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Lists don't render when Pandoc Parser is enabled #71

Closed JonnyCBB closed 8 years ago

JonnyCBB commented 8 years ago


When I enable the Pandoc parser from the Settings view, I find that lists (unordered or ordered) do not render properly in the preview window but everything else seems to render fine. It's not a huge problem for me because when I disable the Pandoc parser, everything else works fine.

I'm not sure if this issue is best placed here though but I wasn't sure where else to put it.

Just so you are aware I am running 64 bit, Windows 10 OS if that helps anything

Galadirith commented 8 years ago

Thanks @JonnyCBB and sorry lists are behaving oddly for you. It might end up not being an MPP issue but there's absolutely no problem posting here :D we'll see what we can do.

@leipert may well be best place to help you, but I can't seem to reproduce any problem with lists. Here's what I get on Windows 7 64 bit with pandoc enabled (gist for source): 71

If you could try previewing that document and send back a screen shot, or even better the html of the preview as a gist so we can get a clearer picture of the problem we'll have a look :D

As an unrelated comment I noticed your studying at Oxford, I just finished my MMath there, what are you studying?

leipert commented 8 years ago

@JonnyCBB, could you provide a minimal document which shows the errors?

JonnyCBB commented 8 years ago

Really weird. I started writing some code to send and the list still weren't rendering. I decided to then copy paste the text from @Galadirith's gist and it rendered perfectly. Now it all seems to work even when I make my own lists. Sorry to bother you both. If it happens again, I'll let you know but it all seems to be working fine now.

@Galadirith I studied for an MMath too, but I did mine in Southampton University. I'm now doing a DPhil in X-ray Crystallography so I'm in the Biochemistry department here (still working on maths stuff though). Where are you now?

Galadirith commented 8 years ago

@JonnyCBB No problem, if it happens again as @leipert said send us a minimal document that causes the problem.

Thats really great, are you part of the DTC? I'm start my PhD at Cardiff in October and joining their Gravitational Waves group.

JonnyCBB commented 8 years ago

No problem, I will do.

Yes, I joined the System Biology DTC in 2012. Absolutely loving it. Gravitational Waves!!! That's some hardcore stuff. I did a module in it in Southampton with Nils Andersson. You're a braver man than me to take that up ;)