atom-haskell-archive / autocomplete-haskell

Atom autocomplete-plus provider for haskell
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Updating autocomplete-plus broke autocomplete-haskell on arch linux #2

Closed jannickj closed 9 years ago

jannickj commented 9 years ago

After updating my autocomplete-plus I am no longer able to see the suggestions provided by autocomplete-haskell.

There itsn't any errors but there itsn't any suggestions either. I tested it on both mac and windows and it works fine.

I wonder if there is some temporary files messing with my autocomplete-haskell but i doubt it, I also reinstalled everything just to make sure. Are there any steps I can take to test if the dependencies of autocomplete-haskell is broken?

lierdakil commented 9 years ago

Do you mean specifically hoogle-powered hole-completions or any completions at all?

jannickj commented 9 years ago

any completions specific to haskell :S, meaning I still have the autocomplete completions but things like map showing ([a]->(a->b)->[b]) doesn't work.

lierdakil commented 9 years ago

Okay, does haskell-ghc-mod work? E.g. does Haskell Ghc Mod: Type show type for symbol under text cursor?

jannickj commented 9 years ago

Yes it does work

lierdakil commented 9 years ago

I found a bug, but not sure if it's related. Try v0.2.1. If it doesn't work, please check if running




in console produces any meaningful output (null, undefined and [] do not count as such). You'll need to have haskell file open in your active editor.

jannickj commented 9 years ago

okay tested it: first one gives null and the second line gives me []. I did have some problems with atom where it said that I using 1.3 in one screen and 2.1 in another. I got it to show 2.1 everywhere by uninstalling and restarting it then installing it again. However I wonder if it actually did anything or if something stupid like file mod access is messing up my mods. Is there some sort of method I can run to test the version?

lierdakil commented 9 years ago

If first one returns null, it means that either haskell-ghc-mod is not installed or not activated, or you're still using v0.2.0. Make sure you restarted Atom after update.

If there is file version inconsistency, I fear there is no way to tell which is which. Package is most likely installed in ~/.atom/packages/autocomplete-haskell/. You may try to close Atom, remove this directory by hand, then run apm install autocomplete-haskell and start Atom again, see if it helps.

lierdakil commented 9 years ago

It's also possible that you're running older version of haskell-ghc-mod, that's incompatible with newer Atom versions, but then you probably would get errors. Anyway, please make sure that you're using at least v0.4.0

jannickj commented 9 years ago

I deleted the entire .atom folder just to make sure, it says I am running h-ghc-mod 0.42 and ac-h 0.2.1. However I am still getting null from that command call. When I get some free time first thing will be to learn atom modding and coffe script/javascript lol :p

lierdakil commented 9 years ago

Just to make sure, what version of Atom do you run?

jannickj commented 9 years ago

0.175 I for some reason had convinced myself that I recently had updated atom >< getting the newest version now

jannickj commented 9 years ago

Oh yes that was the problem >< wow sorry for wasting your time :/

lierdakil commented 9 years ago

I should teach myself to ask this question first, not last, since atom API is changing fast and specifying required version is not supported yet...