atom-haskell / ide-haskell

Haskell IDE plugin for Atom editor
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ghc-mod not working on lts-9.4 #213

Closed kyagrd closed 6 years ago

kyagrd commented 6 years ago

Starting from fresh removing all stack related things so stack build starts from downloading the lts buld plan and also built ghc-mod from fresh

kyagrd@kyagrd:~/github/kyagrd/hs-nipkow-lics93$ uname -a
Linux kyagrd 4.12.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.12.6-1 (2017-08-12) x86_64 GNU/Linux
kyagrd@kyagrd:~/github/kyagrd/hs-nipkow-lics93$ stack --version
Version 1.1.2 x86_64 hpack-0.14.1
kyagrd@kyagrd:~/github/kyagrd/hs-nipkow-lics93$ atom --version
Atom    : 1.20.0
Electron: 1.6.9
Chrome  : 56.0.2924.87
Node    : 7.4.0
kyagrd@kyagrd:~/github/kyagrd/hs-nipkow-lics93$ stack build
Downloaded lts-9.4 build plan.    
remote: Counting objects: 263297, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (212563/212563), done.
remote: Total 263297 (delta 70014), reused 211399 (delta 47995), pack-reused 0
오브젝트를 받는 중: 100% (263297/263297), 63.27 MiB | 313.00 KiB/s, 완료.
델타를 알아내는 중: 100% (70014/70014), 로컬 오브젝트 1개 마침.
error: Could not read 68caeb36e3e98b66b7b8cd76276e4b179ef8580c
fatal: revision walk setup failed
error:이(가) 모든 필요한 오브젝트를 보내지 않았습니다

Process exited with ExitFailure 1: /usr/bin/git fetch --tags --depth=1
Failed to fetch package index, retrying.
remote: Counting objects: 263297, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (212563/212563), done.
remote: Total 263297 (delta 70014), reused 211399 (delta 47995), pack-reused 0
오브젝트를 받는 중: 100% (263297/263297), 63.27 MiB | 439.00 KiB/s, 완료.
델타를 알아내는 중: 100% (70014/70014), 로컬 오브젝트 1개 마침. URL에서
 * [새로운 태그]           current-hackage -> current-hackage
Fetched package index.    
Populated index cache.    
Did not find .cabal file for semigroupoids-5.2.1 with Git SHA of ffc5452de48e9727fefc40a1053d0a1c988e255d
Right Nothing
Did not find .cabal file for hjsonpointer-1.2.0 with Git SHA of 42588498219488475d395388fd77b42a1539098d
Right Nothing
Did not find .cabal file for diagrams-cairo-1.4 with Git SHA of 9d2731efb7bef463891096b423c04f6d846d3314
Right Nothing
Did not find .cabal file for diagrams-builder- with Git SHA of 607f64b7499dc6f7c0191b41329119fb59c0e984
Right Nothing
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( /tmp/stack32766/Setup.hs, /tmp/stack32766/Setup.o )
Linking /home/kyagrd/.stack/setup-exe-cache/x86_64-linux/tmp-setup-Simple-Cabal- ...
RepLib-0.5.4: download
RepLib-0.5.4: configure
RepLib-0.5.4: build
RepLib-0.5.4: copy/register
unbound-0.5.1: download
unbound-0.5.1: configure
unbound-0.5.1: build
unbound-0.5.1: copy/register
nipkow93- configure
Configuring nipkow93-
nipkow93- build
Preprocessing executable 'nipkow93' for nipkow93-
[1 of 3] Compiling Syntax           ( src/Syntax.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux/Cabal- ) [Generics.RepLib.Derive changed]
[2 of 3] Compiling Unif             ( src/Unif.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux/Cabal- ) [Syntax changed]
[3 of 3] Compiling Main             ( src/Main.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux/Cabal- ) [Syntax changed]
Linking .stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux/Cabal- ...
nipkow93- copy/register
Installing executable(s) in
Completed 3 action(s).
kyagrd@kyagrd:~/github/kyagrd/hs-nipkow-lics93$ stack build ghc-mod
ghc-mod- unregistering
cabal-helper- download
hscolour-1.24.1: download
ghc-paths- download
ghc-paths- configure
distributive-0.5.3: download
fail- download
ghc-syb-utils- download
cmdargs-0.10.17: download
fclabels- download
primitive- download
djinn-lib- download
pipes-4.3.4: download
clock-0.7.2: download
ghc-paths- build
fail- configure
fail- build
ghc-syb-utils- configure
fail- copy/register
ghc-paths- copy/register
ghc-syb-utils- build
clock-0.7.2: configure
clock-0.7.2: build
distributive-0.5.3: configure
refact- download
resourcet-1.1.9: download
clock-0.7.2: copy/register
distributive-0.5.3: build
djinn-lib- configure
extra-1.5.3: download
ghc-syb-utils- copy/register
djinn-lib- build
primitive- configure
primitive- build
fclabels- configure
distributive-0.5.3: copy/register
time-locale-compat- download
fclabels- build
hscolour-1.24.1: configure
hscolour-1.24.1: build
cabal-helper- configure
comonad-5.0.2: download
cabal-helper- build
pipes-4.3.4: configure
djinn-lib- copy/register
pipes-4.3.4: build
cmdargs-0.10.17: configure
fclabels- copy/register
cmdargs-0.10.17: build
refact- configure
djinn-ghc- download
primitive- copy/register
refact- build
resourcet-1.1.9: configure
uniplate-1.6.12: download
resourcet-1.1.9: build
extra-1.5.3: configure
MonadRandom-0.5.1: download
extra-1.5.3: build
time-locale-compat- configure
time-locale-compat- build
comonad-5.0.2: configure
time-locale-compat- copy/register
refact- copy/register
scientific- download
resourcet-1.1.9: copy/register
pipes-4.3.4: copy/register
uuid-types-1.0.3: download
conduit-1.2.12: download
extra-1.5.3: copy/register
vector- download
comonad-5.0.2: build
djinn-ghc- configure
hscolour-1.24.1: copy/register
djinn-ghc- build
uniplate-1.6.12: configure
uniplate-1.6.12: build
MonadRandom-0.5.1: configure
MonadRandom-0.5.1: build
scientific- configure
djinn-ghc- copy/register
scientific- build
uuid-types-1.0.3: configure
comonad-5.0.2: copy/register
uuid-types-1.0.3: build
conduit-1.2.12: configure
conduit-1.2.12: build
vector- configure
vector- build
MonadRandom-0.5.1: copy/register
bifunctors-5.4.2: download
bifunctors-5.4.2: configure
cmdargs-0.10.17: copy/register
uuid-types-1.0.3: copy/register
bifunctors-5.4.2: build
cabal-helper- copy/register
scientific- copy/register
attoparsec- download
uniplate-1.6.12: copy/register
conduit-1.2.12: copy/register
attoparsec- configure
attoparsec- build
bifunctors-5.4.2: copy/register
Did not find .cabal file for semigroupoids-5.2.1 with Git SHA of ffc5452de48e9727fefc40a1053d0a1c988e255d
Right Nothing
profunctors-5.2.1: download
semigroupoids-5.2.1: download
semigroupoids-5.2.1: configure
semigroupoids-5.2.1: build
profunctors-5.2.1: configure
profunctors-5.2.1: build
semigroupoids-5.2.1: copy/register
profunctors-5.2.1: copy/register
free-4.12.4: download
free-4.12.4: configure
free-4.12.4: build
attoparsec- copy/register
free-4.12.4: copy/register
either- download
either- configure
either- build
either- copy/register
monad-journal-0.7.2: download
monad-journal-0.7.2: configure
monad-journal-0.7.2: build
monad-journal-0.7.2: copy/register
vector- copy/register
aeson- download
aeson- configure
aeson- build
aeson- copy/register
yaml- download
yaml- configure
yaml- build
yaml- copy/register
hlint-2.0.9: download
hlint-2.0.9: configure
hlint-2.0.9: build
hlint-2.0.9: copy/register
ghc-mod- download
ghc-mod- configure
ghc-mod- build
ghc-mod- copy/register
Completed 35 action(s).

Then I open atom and try the right click on a name for the Type and Info from ghc-mod.

haskell-ghc-mod warning: Reading cabal sandbox config failed with  Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/kyagrd/github/kyagrd/hs-nipkow-lics93/cabal.sandbox.config'
warn @ /home/kyagrd/.atom/packages/haskell-ghc-mod/lib/util.js:51

haskell-ghc-mod warning: No cabal sandbox found
warn @ /home/kyagrd/.atom/packages/haskell-ghc-mod/lib/util.js:51

haskell-ghc-mod warning: EXCEPTION: info:
               parse error (possibly incorrect indentation or mismatched brackets)
warn @ /home/kyagrd/.atom/packages/haskell-ghc-mod/lib/util.js:51
kyagrd commented 6 years ago

Deleting the dist directory solved the problem