While having Atom-Material-UI and Atom-Material-Syntax together, it is not possible to change Atom-Material-UI color scheme:
Colors are selected to "Indigo", but nothing changes, the top menu bar stays green, which is the default color for Material-UI. Restarting Atom did not help, as well as reinstalling the packages. The only way that I found would make the colors change is if I disable the Material-Syntax package.
While having Atom-Material-UI and Atom-Material-Syntax together, it is not possible to change Atom-Material-UI color scheme:
Colors are selected to "Indigo", but nothing changes, the top menu bar stays green, which is the default color for Material-UI. Restarting Atom did not help, as well as reinstalling the packages. The only way that I found would make the colors change is if I disable the Material-Syntax package.