atom-material / atom-material-ui

A dynamic UI theme for Atom that follows Google's Material Design Guidelines
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White line before closed dock with a linter package active #451

Open Songworks opened 6 years ago

Songworks commented 6 years ago

Problem happens with a linter active (either the Diagnostics from package atom-ide-ui or package linter). Best further description I can give is a screenshot. See the white line (as part of the bottom dock) above the status bar here (screenshot 1).

If the bottom dock is opened and the right side has no scrollbar, then a white line is displayed on the right dock instead, see here (screenshot 2).

No line is displayed with both -bottom & right- docks open.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Fresh atom profile/installation
  2. Install & activate theme atom-material-ui
  3. Install package atom-ide-ui (or linter and dependencies)
  4. Install a language package of choice, i.e. ide-css (or linter-less)
  5. Open a file with lintable language, i.e. less
  6. Have bottom & right dock closed
  7. With atom-ide-ui: Add an error to the file the linter should catch

Expected behavior:

There shouldn't be a white line at any dock.

Observed behavior:

There is a white line.

Further observations (may or may not relate): With package atom-ide-ui: Once the line is there, everytime the file is linted the line flashes. It also flashes when moving the mouse cursor over the file tabs at the top.

With package linter: If a second panel is opened to the right (i.e. markdown preview), the line is present whenever a tooltip from autocomplete-plus is open. See here (screenshot 3). This white line is centered and contained to the left panel and also seems to be one pixel ontop the panel. See the red dotted line at the bottom of the panel: One pixel of it is below the problem line. Example for comparison without white line here (screenshot 4).

I searched a little through Atoms dev-tools and at the element .atom-dock-inner.bottom>.atom-dock-mask, if I change the elements style height to 1px instead of the 0px, then the white line is gone on the bottom dock. Until I move my mouse over the bottom area again and Atom resets it to 0px.

Also on the class .atom-dock-resize-handle if I comment out the position: absolute; the white line is also gone. See file atom-material-ui/styles/dock.less at line 40. Not that this is a solution but it may help you guys figure it out.

Screenshots and GIFs

Screenshot 1:1

Screenshot 2:2

Screenshot 3:3

Screenshot 4:4

Atom version: 1.21.2 x64
OS and version: Linux Mint 17.3 (based on Ubuntu 14.04)

Installed packages:

BigfootN commented 6 years ago

I'm having the same problem.

vdcow commented 6 years ago

I have found work-around for this problem. Just add

transform: scaleX(1.0000001);

to your styles.less

ghost commented 6 years ago

Can we have a fix, please?