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Atom Package Manager
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Use release archives instead of release tags #498

Open steelbrain opened 8 years ago

steelbrain commented 8 years ago

The way releases are handled at the moment are great, but it has a lot of issues and problems

The problems

  1. We can not have a .apmignore file in the repo
  2. If we want to put transpiled/compiled files into the package, we have to commit them into the repo and upgrade them on each change
  3. We can not support mono repo architectures with this

The solution Create tar archive (or zip if you prefer) respecting ignore files and counting in files ignored by git repo from the the local version of the publisher. Add a release with the newly created tag and attach that archive with that release.

The release tag should be prefixed by package name, like linter-ruby-v1.1. The archive name attached to the release should be named package-name.tgz or

When installing a package, check for the latest tag in APM database for that package, if the tag starts with package-name, try to find release for that tag and download the package file. Otherwise, just download the zip archive of commit as we do now. If we follow this pattern, we would be backward-compatible with the already released packages.

I know the problems I mentioned above do not sound very important, but they are very annoying and very difficult to workaround.

For example @basarat, @blakeembrey and the rest of the atom-typescript team transpiles the typescript files and keeps them in their repo.

@nmote @ssorallen @bolinfest and the rest of the nuclide team had to create a new github org facebooknuclideapm and create a repo in it for each package they wanted to publish.

@david-driscoll and the rest of the omnisharp-atom team also has to transpile typescript files and keep them in the repo.

@devoncarew and the rest of dart-lang team has to keep transpiled dart files in their repo.

@steelbrain @Arcanemagus and the rest of linter-eslint team has to commit transpiled babel files into the repo, because we spawn a child process that requires our files and child processes don't support babel requires

thedaniel commented 8 years ago

This is good feedback - thank you. These are definitely edge cases, as the current deployment strategy works for the majority of the thousands of packages on, but as we want to embrace more comprehensive IDE features helping people keep their repos clean would be helpful.

As you note, backwards-compatibility is important. Another concern of mine is that releases be consistent - that is to say, we want to avoid someone shipping a release and then changing the downloaded archive later - version 1.1 (or whatever) should always be the exact same code.

This probably won't make it onto our roadmap in the very near future, but I think it's interesting to have a discussion here about what we can do to address the various pain points - the one most interesting to me is transpilation - are there other ways this could work to prevent check-in of build products without adding a second place to put products for download? e.g. a transpilation step on the server side for the most popular targets like typescript, etc?

ssorallen commented 8 years ago

e.g. a transpilation step on the server side for the most popular targets like typescript, etc?

I think Atom should generalize its involvement in transpilers rather than have first class support for a few (looking at you, CoffeeScript and Babel), and enable developers to set up easily with whatever transpiler they choose. VSCode has generalized transpilers/compilers by hooking them into the package's config and into VSCode's task runner for refresh/reload development. While all the transpiler examples talk about and show TypeScript, they demonstrate they are just shelling out to the TS Compiler, tsc. I think it'd be great if this lead to Atom bundling no transpilers by default.

Ideally developers shouldn't have to commit transpiled code in order to release it, and they should be able to exclude the source files from the released package. An '.apmignore' file would accomplish the second part, like @steelbrain mentioned, and that is the direction that VSCode went with its '.vscodeignore'. Their Yeoman project generators are set up for TypeScript, but VSCode only runs JavaScript. The projects add **/*.ts to their '.vscodeigore' files on generation.

Alhadis commented 7 years ago

I recently learned it's possible to exclude resources from package distributions by using .gitattributes:

/docs/ export-ignore
/1.5mbs-animated-banner-for-your-readme.gif export-ignore
/other-rubbish-that-shreds-bandwidth/ export-ignore

This attribute relates to the git archive command, which is clearly responsible for generating the tarballs GitHub serves to those downloading zipped repos. Examining the output of apm install --verbose revealed this is how packages are being downloaded:

    via: '1.1 vegur' }
REQUEST end event
REQUEST has body 3034
REQUEST emitting complete
REQUEST { url: '',
    strictSSL: true,
    headers: { 'User-Agent': 'npm/3.10.5 node/v4.4.5 darwin x64' },
    method: 'GET',
    callback: undefined }
REQUEST make request
REQUEST onRequestResponse 302 { server: 'Cowboy',
    connection: 'close',
    date: 'Sun, 13 Nov 2016 00:59:29 GMT',
    status: '302 Found',
    'x-frame-options': 'DENY',
    'x-xss-protection': '1; mode=block',
    'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',
    'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=631152000',
    'content-security-policy': 'default-src \'self\'; connect-src \'self\'; font-src; frame-src \'self\'; img-src https://* \'self\' data:; media-src \'none\'; object-src \'self\'; script-src \'self\' \'unsafe-inline\'; style-src \'self\' \'unsafe-inline\';',
    location: '',
    'content-type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
    'cache-control': 'no-cache',
    'x-request-id': 'e867ee1d-4778-469f-a255-8925c8c5f385',
    'x-runtime': '0.063747',
    'x-rack-cache': 'miss',
    vary: 'Origin',
    via: '1.1 vegur' }
REQUEST redirect
REQUEST redirect to

This seems to be a more logical approach than using an .apmignore or .npmignore file... and the fact that it's drawn from Git itself makes it feel like a "canonical" answer to the issue of auxiliary resource exclusion.

However, the fact this works based solely on a redirect to GitHub makes me hesitant to embrace it as a long-term solution. How likely is it that Atom's package repository will continue serving tarballs this way? Infrastructure changes are inevitable, and packages might one day be served using a strategy that doesn't involve a call to git archive.

The existence of export-ignore makes me wonder why NPM feels .npmignore files are necessary... the world needs more vendor-specific manifests like it needs another Vietnam War.

rictic commented 7 years ago

For myself, I have the opposite problem @alhadis. There are files which I want excluded from git (because they are build artifacts, and so diffs etc aren't useful) but included in my atom plugin. .npmignore allows this because npm ignores the .gitignore file when it is present.

Alhadis commented 7 years ago

Diffs can easily be suppressed using .gitattributes too, although not on GitHub (which is a known issue; just check Linguist's backlog). Still, you're right... though I don't understand why NPM requires ignored paths to be specified in an external file, rather than package.json.

victorhqc commented 4 years ago

This is good feedback - thank you. These are definitely edge cases, as the current deployment strategy works for the majority of the thousands of packages on, but as we want to embrace more comprehensive IDE features helping people keep their repos clean would be helpful.

Is this still considered an edge case? The JS ecosystem has changed since 2016, now almost everybody uses Babel, and Typescript is getting a lot of traction. It feels bad to have the transpiled JS in the repo just to include it in the package.

idleberg commented 4 years ago

Just to give some insights on modern package development, I would like to share my workflow, hoping that .apmignore will be supported in the future.

For my own package development, I'm following Microsoft's suggestion for VSCode to use bundling.

Visual Studio Code extensions often grow quickly in size. They are authored in multiple source files and depend on modules from npm. Decomposition and reuse are development best practices but they come at a cost when installing and running extensions. Loading 100 small files is much slower than loading one large file. That's why we recommend bundling. Bundling is the process of combining multiple small source files into a single file.

In practice, I'm using Webpack to create a bundle from all files in /src – no matter if my packages are written in JavaScript, CoffeeScript and TypeScript. While this approach gives me excellent performance, it comes with redundancy. The end-user neither needs the /src folder nor node_modules. To get rid off the latter, I guess I could declare all dependencies as devDependencies, but that doesn't feel right.

Ultimately, I think that if many package developers adopt bundling strategies, not only their packages will benefit, but Atom as a whole. Calling this feature request an edge-case is a bit short-sighted, don't you think?

aminya commented 4 years ago

I made a solution to this. We can use build-commit:

DeeDeeG commented 3 years ago

To get rid off the latter, I guess I could declare all dependencies as devDependencies, but that doesn't feel right.

@idleberg I think it is right, though for your case.

For the record, if you are shipping a transpiled copy of all of your required modules or functions, and loading them from the transpiled output at runtime, then end-users don't need your dependencies anymore, and they genuinely are development-only dependencies, when referring to their non-transpiled, module form.

Specifying a dependency is requesting that your package manager "please download these modules during the install of my package, thanks." The devDependencies field seems totally correct for your use-case.

DeeDeeG commented 3 years ago

Summarizing what has been said earlier in the thread: some of these capabilities folks are asking for here are already available.

That leaves some room for improvement, so yeah, I agree being able to actually directly upload tarballs of Atom packages would be an improvement. I just thought it would be nice to restate that info simply and put it in one place, in case folks are in need of a workaround today.

Solutions available today, in more detail > 1. We can not have a `.apmignore` file in the repo As @Alhadis [mentioned](, the same effect can be achieved by making a `.gitattributes` file and putting `export-ignore` next to the file(s), folder(s), and/or glob pattern(s) you want to exclude from the tarball GitHub makes for your repo. > 2. If we want to put transpiled/compiled files into the package, we have to commit them into the repo and upgrade them on each change As a compromise, you can update the built files only on every release, which can be automated if desired, like what @aminya [proposed]( and already does for some of the Atom IDE packages. > 3. We can not support mono repo architectures with this If you are willing to commit every file in the monorepo, then monorepo is perfectly doable. (Which is a lot like [how the `npm` package manager repository is maintained](, for example. Note that even some of the `node_modules` content is checked in.)

While being able to upload tarballs would be an improvement in capabilities, there are some downsides as well: