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Invalid security certificate #128

Closed rosslh closed 7 years ago

rosslh commented 7 years ago

Over the last couple weeks I've been getting an error on & where I'm unable to connect because of invalid security certs. I've tested this from multiple devices on my home network (with Bell in Toronto) and they all have the same issue. Interestingly, on cellular data the page loads just fine. I am not encountering these errors on atom's blog nor on the discussion board. This issue has been preventing me from downloading/updating packages and themes in atom.


When I add an security exception for, the page loads, but it is what looks to be the default html file served by apache servers.


Here are some more details about the requests themselves. Let me know if there is any information that you need to narrow in on this issue.

Error ``` uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is only valid for the following names: *, The certificate expired on December 3, 2015 at 5:24 AM. The current time is July 9, 2017 at 12:47 AM. Error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN ```
Request Data ``` { "log": { "version": "1.1", "creator": { "name": "Firefox", "version": "54.0" }, "browser": { "name": "Firefox", "version": "54.0" }, "pages": [ { "startedDateTime": "2017-07-09T00:47:42.577-04:00", "id": "page_2", "title": "", "pageTimings": { "onContentLoad": -1, "onLoad": -1 } } ], "entries": [ { "pageref": "page_2", "startedDateTime": "2017-07-09T00:47:42.577-04:00", "time": null, "request": { "bodySize": 0, "method": "GET", "url": "", "httpVersion": "", "headers": [ { "name": "Host", "value": "" }, { "name": "User-Agent", "value": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0" }, { "name": "Accept", "value": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" }, { "name": "Accept-Language", "value": "en-US,en;q=0.5" }, { "name": "Accept-Encoding", "value": "gzip, deflate, br" }, { "name": "Referer", "value": "" }, { "name": "DNT", "value": "1" }, { "name": "Connection", "value": "keep-alive" }, { "name": "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", "value": "1" }, { "name": "If-Modified-Since", "value": "Tue, 27 Jan 2015 20:58:09 GMT" }, { "name": "If-None-Match", "value": "\"b1-50da8832afe4e-gzip\"" }, { "name": "Cache-Control", "value": "max-age=0" } ], "cookies": [], "queryString": [], "postData": { "mimeType": "", "params": [], "text": "" }, "headersSize": 516 }, "response": { "status": 0, "statusText": "", "httpVersion": "", "headers": [], "cookies": [], "content": { "mimeType": "", "size": 0, "encoding": "base64", "text": "" }, "redirectURL": "", "headersSize": -1, "bodySize": -1 }, "cache": {}, "timings": { "blocked": 0, "dns": 5, "connect": 30, "send": 0, "wait": 0, "receive": 0 } } ] } } ```
rosslh commented 7 years ago is working again for me this morning. I'll close this issue and reopen if the problem occurs again.

rosslh commented 7 years ago

And I'm getting the issue again. Same cert error/default "it works!" page.