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Consider enabling compression for text-type responses #141

Closed Ingramz closed 6 years ago

Ingramz commented 6 years ago

As it turned out during the investigation in, currently does not leverage any sort of content compression for its text type responses. It is possible that by enabling compression, especially slower connections can benefit from reduced loading times, thus improving website loading times overall and also speeding up API responses like the search functionality when installing a new package. shows that a number of responses could be compressed 3 to 4 times smaller compared to the original size.

cc @nathansobo @jasonrudolph @iolsen

jasonrudolph commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this suggestion. We've rolled out an update to to support compression for text-type responses.


If you observe any problems related to this change, please let us know. :bow:

Ingramz commented 6 years ago

I am seeing a healthy speed boost of at least 50-100ms per request across the board. Thanks!