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It wont issue an authentication token for my account #149

Closed SpillChek2 closed 6 years ago

SpillChek2 commented 6 years ago

Tried to authenticate my account with github, and keeps on giving an error message, I have the repo under my organization account called Creative WebMatrix Solutions I did grant it, but its not working, please can some one assist me with this matter?

jasonrudolph commented 6 years ago

Thanks for getting in touch. I'll try to help.

Tried to authenticate my account with github, and keeps on giving an error message

What is the error message that you're seeing when you attempt to authenticate? Can you share a screenshot?

I have the repo under my organization account called Creative WebMatrix Solutions I did grant it, but its not working...

Can you please provide a link to the repository?

Can you tell us more about what you're trying to accomplish? For example, are you trying to publish an Atom package?

SpillChek2 commented 6 years ago

Oh hi @jasonrudolph, no Thank you for reaching out! It's all good, I was having a hard time getting started, its all under control now!