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README: support "Task Lists" #160

Closed jessexknight closed 6 years ago

jessexknight commented 6 years ago

GitHub README markdown flavour supports a nice syntax for rendering checkbox lists called "Task Lists"

Is it possible to support this also for Package Pages? ... since they copy the README from GitHub repo.

Better yet, maybe: is it possible to synchronize GitHub README Markdown flavor with the Package Pages rendering, so they always provide the same features?

50Wliu commented 6 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to contribute!

We noticed that this is a duplicate of #125. You may want to subscribe there for updates.

Because we treat our issues list as the Atom team's backlog, we close duplicates to focus our work and not have to touch the same chunk of code for the same reason multiple times. This is also why we may mark something as duplicate that isn't an exact duplicate but is closely related.

For information on how to use GitHub's search feature to find out if something is a duplicate before filing, see the How Can I Contribute? section of the Atom CONTRIBUTING guide.

jessexknight commented 6 years ago

Sorry about that! I did try to look for existing duplicates - apparently not very hard...

50Wliu commented 6 years ago

No problem - sometimes it's hard to find a duplicate unless you've seen it before :).