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apm cannot download module #163

Closed fdedraco closed 5 years ago

fdedraco commented 5 years ago

i need to change the url from to (notice that there's no www) how do i do that?

rsese commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reaching out - can you share more details about the issue? What are you trying to install with apm? Can you share the exact command you're running? And why do you need to change the URL?

Any other information about what you're trying to do and why would be super helpful.

fdedraco commented 5 years ago

my dns is government/ isp locked and cannot resolve into hence cannot download the packages from the website. apm cannot reach the server that way.

rsese commented 5 years ago

Ahhh gotcha - there's no setting in apm that will let you do this as far as I know. If it's an issue with your ISP perhaps you can use alternate DNS or temporarily connect to another provider if you need to install packages (I know it's not ideal)?

Going to close this out since I don't believe it's actionable on our end but let me know if I mis-understood anything.

fdedraco commented 5 years ago

so, should i post "bug" at apm repo? because the hardcoded url doesn't match? thanks for the reply