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TypeError on portable version when trying login to GitHub #193

Open alve89 opened 4 years ago

alve89 commented 4 years ago



I installed the latest version of Atom. Since I am on my business laptop I don't have admin permissions but I never was asked for them so there shouldn't be a problem with it. When I then open the GitHub Pane and enter the Token from I get the following error message:

TypeError: Cannot read property ‚split‘ of null at GithubLoginModel.getScopes (C:Users\myName\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.43.0\resources\app\static\:14:627754)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Click the link to in GitHub Pane
  2. Copy the token from the website
  3. Paste the token into the field in the pane
  4. Get the error message from above

Expected behavior:

That my GitHub profile is linked

Actual behavior:

I only get the message. I push commits not with my GitHub user name but with my laptops display name. That's weird because actually my project is private...?

Reproduces how often:



Atom : 1.43.0 Electron: 4.2.7 Chrome : 69.0.3497.128 Node : 10.11.0

Win7 64-bit Client v4.0 with Service Pack 1

Additional Information

It's kind of a portable version...