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Default folder to save new file changes randomly #211

Open freebrowser1 opened 3 years ago

freebrowser1 commented 3 years ago


When saving a new file, i.e. not an already open file save under another name, but saving the contents of a fresh buffer to a file, stores it in a semi-random directory.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a new text window (cmd+n)
  2. Type some text
  3. Click File => Save As...

Expected behavior: The last folder of the current project should be the one of the folders listed in projects.cson:


{ title: "name" paths: [ "/Users/name/Downloads" "/Users/name/Documents" ] } ]

Actual behavior: The folder listed is a folder one ever added in another project which folder is even not listed in projects.cson. And I cannot get rid of this default folder, cannot change it by any means, so I have to change that folder every time when I save a fresh buffer. Note: existing files are stored in the correct folder, so it applies to fresh buffers only.

Reproduces how often: Any time.


% atom --version Atom : 1.54.0 Electron: 6.1.12 Chrome : 76.0.3809.146 Node : 12.4.0 % apm --version apm 2.5.2 npm 6.14.8 node 12.4.0 x64 atom 1.54.0 python 2.7.17 git 2.24.3

Additional Information

macOS Big Sur 11.1 (Intel).