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Cannot publish package - authentication problem #232

Open asiloisad opened 2 years ago

asiloisad commented 2 years ago


I am the author of the package pdf-viewer. About two weeks after the apm publish patch command I got the information Creating new version failed: Requires authentication. Please update your token if you haven't done so recently. To fix the problem I went to and revoked all permissions for Atom, then logged back into again granting permissions, then with the apm login command I entered a new token into apm console. I repeated this action many times, unfortunately it did not solve my problem. Do you have any idea how I can solve this?

console output for apm publish patch::

Preparing and tagging a new version done
Pushing v0.1.17 tag done
Publishing pdf-viewer@v0.1.17 failed
Creating new version failed: Requires authentication. Please update your token if you haven't done so recently.

the result of apm publish patch is the new package version is updated in github, it can be install by apm install bacadra/atom-pdf-viewer, but is isn't available in atom package store.

asiloisad commented 2 years ago

has any one similar problem now?

shellscape commented 1 year ago

Yeah we're unable to update, search for, or install new packages. is down, and Github doesn't seem to have anyone on staff watching it.