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:atom: The hackable text editor
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Packages search failing for Unexpected token #11680

Closed midium closed 8 years ago

midium commented 8 years ago

I'm having problems trying to search for any package I want to install. The search process fails with the following output...

Unexpected token : [{"name":"vue-autocomplete","main":"./lib/main","version":"0.1.0","description":"Vue.js 1.0+ autocomplete for Atom","keywords":["vue","autocomplete","provider"],"repository":"","license":"MIT","author":{"name":"Eduardo Alves"},"engines":{"atom":">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"},"dependencies":{"fuzzaldrin":"^2.1.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getProvider"}}},"readme":"# Atom autocomplete for Vue.js\n\n> Package under active development inspired in\n> * [atom-reac-native-autocomplete](\n> * [autocomplete-css](\n> * [autocomplete-html](\n\n### Supported tags\n\n* partial\n* slot\n\n### Supported attributes\n\n* v-text\n* v-html\n* v-if\n* v-show\n* v-else\n* v-for\n* v-on\n* v-bind\n* v-model\n* v-ref\n* v-el\n* v-pre\n* v-cloak\n\n### Contribution\n\nIs always welcome :D\n","downloads":575,"stargazers_count":1},{"name":"autocomplete-awk","main":"./lib/main","version":"0.1.2","description":"AWK functions and built-in variables autocompletions.","repository":"","keywords":["autocomplete","awk"],"license":"MIT","bugs":{"url":""},"engines":{"atom":">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getProvider"}}},"dependencies":{},"readme":"# AWK Autocomplete Package\n[![apm](](\n\nAWK functions and built-in variables autocompletions in Atom. Uses the [autocomplete-plus]( package.\n\n\n## Preview\n![Autocomplete Preview](\n\n\n\n## Installation\n\n``sh\napm install autocomplete-awk\n``\n\nor find it in the Packages tab under settings.\n","downloads":2131,"stargazers_count":3},{"name":"autocomplete-kdb-q","main":"./lib/autocomplete-kdb-q","version":"0.5.3","description":"Autocomplete provider for KDB+ Q","keywords":["KDB","Q","autocomplete-plus","autocomplete"],"activationCommands":{},"repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"},"dependencies":{"underscore-plus":"1.x"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"provide"}},"linter":{"versions":{"1.0.0":"provideLinter"}}},"readme":"# autocomplete-kdb-q package\n\nAutocomplete, QDoc and linter (error checking) provider for KDB+ Q\n\n## Installation\n\nautocomplete-kdb-q requires:\n*language-kdb-qpackage for grammar.\n*autocomplete-pluspackage for autocomplete support.\n*linterpackage for error notifications.\n\nInstall them as usual via apm or install page in the settings view.\n\nThe last two packages are tremendously useful themselves and can be used with many other languages.\n\n## Status\n\nAvailable features:\n* Processes all open files and projects for symbols/definitions/documentation.\n* Updates automatically when new files are opened or opened files are closed/changed.\n* Provides correct autocomplete for Q names.\n* Provides vialinterinformation about errors in indentation and unmatched brackets.\n* Shows short comments for names in the autocomplete window if they are available.\n* Provides reference view for symbols via <kbd>ctrl+shift+r</kbd> or context menu.\n* Provides go-to-definition for symbols via <kbd>ctrl+alt+d</kbd> or context menu.\n* Provides QDoc support for user defined functions.\n* Shows help for system and user functions via <kbd>F1</kbd> or context menu.\n\n### Autocomplete\n\nExample below shows what info is saved by autocomplete and how it is used.\n\n``\n/ This comment will be shown for\ / globals are names that start with .\nif[1b; global: 100] / or names defined outside any function.\nimglobaltoo set 100 / or symbols with set\nfn:{[a] / a is local\n b: 100; / local too\n c:: 100; / global\n d[10]:: 100 / parser is clever enough to understand that d is a global\n : end /end is remembered too\n }\n\d .my\nvar: 100 / autocomplete understands this and remembers var as file local and .my.var as global\n\d .\n\n\nAutocomplete determines for each name or symbol the following properties:\n* It is global, local or local with the file scope (if defined within \\d ns). Symbols are all global.\n* Range for each occurence. Globals are provided in every file, file locals only in the file of origin and locals only in the code block where they were used. The code block consists of indented lines with an unindented line as the first line.\n* It is an assignment or not. This info is used in go-to-definition.\n* Any comment before the code block is attached to the first name after it.\n\n### Error reporting\n\nCurrently only indentation errors and bracket mismatches are reported.\n\n### References and definitions\n\nYou can open the reference view for any symbol or name. Put the cursor on it and select from the context menu`KDB-Q/Find references`or press <kbd>ctrl+shift+r</kbd>. The reference panel will appear, you can select any row or close it with the close button.\n\nYou can jump to the definition (assignment) of any name. Put the cursor on it and select from the context menu`KDB-Q/Find definition`or press <kbd>ctrl+alt+d</kbd>. If there are several definitions do this several times. After the last definition you will return to the original place.\n\n### QDoc support\n\nQDoc is implemented along JavaDoc and is compatible with the already existing QDoc schemas. All standard functions and .Q/.z functions are already documented.\n\nAll tags are mutiline except @name, @file, @see, @noautocomplete and @module. @module and @file are not supported atm. All QDoc lines should start with /, all\nlines with more than one / are ignored allowing you to add private comments. The Q function or variable name should be on the next line after\nthe comment block. Note that QDoc doesn't need the code to be correct.\n\nThe following tags are supported:\n* @name Name - Alternative name for the QDoc entry.\n* @desc text - Any html.\n* @param Name TypeExpr text - Parameter 'Name' with type defined in 'TypeExpr', text can be any html.\n* @key Name TypeExpr text - Key of a dictionary, should follow @param.\n* @column Name TypeExpr text - Column of a table, should follow @param.\n* @returns TypeExpr text - Description of the returned value.\n* @throws Name text - Description of a possible exception. If there are several throws it is better to group them together.\n* @example code - Any Q code, it will be shown as if in the editor itself (editor is not used though).\n* @see name1 name2 ... - List of QDoc names, links will be added.\n* @link as {@link link} or {@link Some descr|link} where link is either a foreign http(s) link or a QDoc name. It can be used inside @desc.\n* @noautocomplete - suppress autocomplete for the current name. It can be used in general help articles.\n\nTypeExpr is type or (type name) or (type 1|type 2).\n\nExample:\n\n/ The verb xkey sets the primary keys in a table.\n/ The left argument is a symbol list of column names, which must belong to the table.\n/ The right argument is a table. If passed by reference, it is updated. If passed by value, a new table is returned.\n/ @param x (symbol|symbol list) Columns.\n/ @param y (symbol|table) Table to be keyed.\n/ @returns (symbol|table) Table is keyed, what is returned depends on the second argument.\n/ @example sym xkeytrade\n/ @see cols xcol xcols\nxkey\n\n\nIf you press <kbd>F1</kbd> on xkey you'll see this:\n![help](./resources/keyhelp.png)\n\nNote that QDoc also adds a link to the definition and allows you to request all references to the displayed name.\n\n## settings\n\nAutocomplete looks for`.autocomplete-kdb-q.json`file in each project directory. This file can contain some settings:\n* includePaths - list of paths (relative or absolute) to include into this project.\n* ignorePaths - list of paths (relative or absolute) to ignore.\n* ignoreRoot - ignore all files or dirs in the project's root directory.\n* ignoreNames - ignore these names (like \".svn\").\n* cache - path (relative or absolute) where to save cached data to reduce the start time in large projects.\n\nExample:\n\n{\n \"ignorePaths\": [\"node_modules\"],\n \"includePaths\": [\"C:\\somepath\\test.q\",\"C:\\somedir\"],\n \"ignoreNames\": [\"a2014.q\",\".git\"],\n \"cache\": \".cache\"\n}\n`\n","downloads":396,"stargazers_count":1},{"name":"autocomplete-xml","main":"./lib/main","version":"0.8.3","description":"Autocomplete+ provider for XML via XSD","keywords":["xml","xsd","autocomplete"],"activationCommands":{},"repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"},"dependencies":{"xml2js":"0.4.15","uuid":"^2.0.1"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getProvider"}}},"consumedServices":{"status-bar":{"versions":{"^1.0.0":"consumeStatusBar"}}},"readme":"# Autocomplete XML Atom Package\n\n![Downloads](\n![Version](\n![License](\n![Dependencies](\n\n\nXML tag autocompletion for Atom text editor!\n\n![Demo](\n\n**NOTE:** The autocompletation feature is only available when:\n* The XSD file follows the W3C standard. That is, the XSD root element must contain the attribute:xmlns:xs=\"\"`.\n The XML file to autocomplete ask for validation. That is, the root element must contain the attribute: xmlns:xsi=\"\".\n\n# Features\n* Read XSD files from HTTP, HTTPS or local URI.\n* Show autocompletation for tags and attributes with documentation if available.\n\n# Code structure\nThe package code is inside the lib folder.\n\n* lib\n * Main package file. It handles package things like calling the provider and settings.\n * Detects the type of suggestion needed (e.g.: tag, attribute, ...) and ask for suggestions of that type. It handles everything related with the editor.\n * Manage the XSD types. Create suggestions. It handles suggestion creation.\n * Download and parse a XSD file and build the types. It handles XSD parsing.\n * Show the current XPath in the StatusBar.\n","downloads":6440,"stargazers_count":16},{"name":"autocomplete-dcd","main":"./lib/","version":"1.6.1","description":"Autocomplete for the D language using DCD","keywords":["autocomplete","completion","dlang","d","dcd"],"activationCommands":{},"repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"},"dependencies":{},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"provide"}}},"readme":"# DCD Autocomplete Package\n\nAutocomplete provider for the D language using the D Completion Daemon.\n\n## Prerequisites\n\nYou must have DCD installed on your system. The dcd-server and dcd-client launching commands can either be in your PATH or explicitly specified.\n\n## Usage\n\n- Install DCD\n- Open a D source file\n- Use ctrl + space to complete a symbol, package name or function arguments when placing the cursor right after the opening parenthesis\n\n## TODO\n\n- Function documentation display\n","downloads":399,"stargazerscount":0},{"name":"autocomplete-go","description":"An autocomplete-plus provider for the Go language that uses gocode to provide suggestions.","keywords":["go","golang","gocode","autocomplete","autocomplete-plus"],"main":"./lib/main","version":"1.0.8","repository":"","license":"Apache-2.0","engines":{"atom":">=1.5.3 <2.0.0"},"author":"Joe Fitzgerald (","homepage":"","bugs":{"url":""},"dependencies":{"atom-package-deps":"^4.0.1","lodash":"^4.6.1"},"devDependencies":{"eslint":"^2.5.1","babel-eslint":"^6.0.0","eslint-config-standard":"^5.1.0","eslint-plugin-standard":"^1.3.2","eslint-plugin-promise":"^1.1.0"},"package-deps":["go-config","go-get"],"consumedServices":{"go-config":{"versions":{"1.0.0":"consumeGoconfig"}},"go-get":{"versions":{"1.0.0":"consumeGoget"}}},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"provide"}}},"configSchema":{"scopeBlacklist":{"title":"Scope Blacklist","description":"Suggestions will not be shown when the cursor is inside the following comma-delimited scope(s).","type":"string","default":".source.go .comment, .source.go .constant.numeric, .source.go .string.quoted","order":1},"suppressBuiltinAutocompleteProvider":{"title":"Suppress The Provider Built-In To autocomplete-plus","description":"Suppress the provider built-in to the autocomplete-plus package when editing .go files.","type":"boolean","default":true,"order":2},"suppressActivationForCharacters":{"title":"Suppress Activation For Characters","description":"Suggestions will not be provided when you type one of these characters.","type":"array","default":["comma","newline","space","tab","/","\","(",")","\"","'",":",";","<",">","~","!","@","#","$","%","^","&","","|","+","=","[","]","{","}","","~","?","-"],"items":{"type":"string"},"order":3}},"standard":{"globals":["advanceClock","atom","waitsForPromise"]},"readme":"#autocomplete-go[![Build Status](]( [![Build status](](\n\n\nAn [autocomplete-plus]( provider for\nthe [go]( language that uses [gocode]( to provide suggestions.\n\n### Prerequisites\n\nThis package requires the following packages to be installed:\n\n_ [environment](\n\* [go-config](\n\nAdditionally, you should have [gocode]( installed and available on your path:\n\n>go get -u\n\nIf you have the [go-get]( package installed, this package will prompt you to get gocode (if it is missing) or update gocode (if it is out of date).\n\n### FAQ\n\n> I am not getting suggestions I expect!\n\ngocodeuses the output fromgo installto provide its suggestions. You have a few options to ensure you always get up-to-date suggestions:\n\n\* Always rungo install ./ your package when you make a change\n\* Rungocode set autobuild trueto havegocodeattempt to rungo install ./...for you\n\* Configure a package (like [build]( to run your build command on every save\n\n### Configuration\n\n\*scopeBlacklist: Suggestions will not be shown when the cursor is inside the specified comma-delimited scope(s) (default:.source.go .comment)\n\*suppressBuiltinAutocompleteProvider: Suppress the provider built-in to the autocomplete-plus package when editing .go files (default:true)\n\*suppressActivationForCharacters: Suggestions will not be provided when you type one of the specified characters (default:comma, newline, space, tab, /, \, (, ), \", ', :,\n;, <, >, ~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, , |, +,\n=, [, ], {, }, , ~, ?, -)\n","downloads":44808,"stargazers_count":35},{"name":"autocomplete-ctags","main":"./lib/main","version":"0.4.1","description":"Autocomplete-plus provider for ctags","keywords":["autocomplete","ctags"],"repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=1.4.0 <2.0.0"},"dependencies":{"ctags":"^3.0.0","fuzzaldrin":"^2.1.0","pathwatcher":"^6.3.0","underscore-plus":"^1.6.6"},"devDependencies":{"fs-plus":"^2.8.1","temp":"~0.8.3"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"provide"}}},"configSchema":{"minimumPrefixLength":{"order":1,"type":"integer","default":3,"minimum":1,"maximum":10},"caseInsensitive":{"order":2,"type":"boolean","default":true},"useSnippers":{"order":3,"type":"boolean","default":true},"useFuzzy":{"order":4,"type":"boolean","default":true,"description":"executed only if there is no suggestions"},"maximumTagFileSize":{"order":5,"type":"integer","default":2,"description":"Maximum tag file size(in MB). This setting is used in fuzzy search."},"disableBuiltinProvider":{"order":10,"title":"Disable Built-In Provider","type":"boolean","default":false},"debug":{"order":99,"type":"boolean","default":false}},"readme":"# autocomplete-ctags package\n\nAutocomplete-plus provider for ctags\nBuild Status\n\nGyazo\n\n## Features\n\n If your project has a tags/.tags/TAGS/.TAGS file at the root then autocomplete are supported.\n coexist with symbols-view package\n support multiple root folders.\n Snippet generator for ctags.\n fuzzy matching.\n\n## Settings\n\n minimumPrefixLength (default: 3)\n caseInsensitive (default: true)\n useSnippers (default: true)\n useFuzzy: executed only if there is no suggestions (default: true)\n maximumTagFileSize: Maximum tag file size(in MB). This setting is used in fuzzy search. (default: 2)\n disableBuiltinProvider (default: false)\n\n## Todo\n\n [x] fuzzy matching\n [ ] Add language snippers. (pull requests welcome!)\n","downloads":10428,"stargazers_count":35},{"name":"autocomplete-glsl","main":"./lib/autocomplete-glsl","version":"0.2.3","description":"Adds GLSL autocompletion to autocomplete+","repository":{"type":"git","url":""},"bugs":{"url":""},"license":"MIT","author":{"name":"Sverre Aleksandersen","email":""},"engines":{"atom":">0.50.0"},"dependencies":{"fs-plus":">=2.2.3","q":">=1.0.1","fuzzaldrin":">=1.0.0"},"keywords":["glsl","opengl","autocomplete","atom","shader"],"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"provide"}}},"readme":"# atom autocomplete+ glsl suggestions\n\nAdds glsl completion to autocomplete+.\n\nImgur\n\nThanks to irreversible at for compiling an awesome list which this plugin is based on.\n","downloads":6958,"stargazers_count":25},{"name":"autocomplete-java","main":"./lib/atomAutocompletePackage","version":"1.2.1","description":"Autocomplete-plus provider for Java","repository":"","license":"MIT","keywords":["java","autocomplete-plus","autocomplete","import"],"engines":{"atom":">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"},"activationCommands":{"atom-workspace":["autocomplete-java:organize-imports","autocomplete-java:refresh-project","autocomplete-java:full-refresh"]},"activationHooks":["language-java:grammar-used"],"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getProvider"}}},"dependencies":{"triejs":"0.1.5","lodash":"3.10.1","walk":"2.3.9"},"devDependencies":{"babel-core":"^5.8.24","babel-eslint":"^4.1.3","eslint":"^1.4.3","eslint-config-airbnb":"^0.1.0"},"readme":"# autocomplete-java Number of downloads\n\nJava autocomplete-plus provider for Atom editor. Current features:\n\n Complete package and class names\n Import classes automatically\n Organize imports alphabetically\n Fold imports\n Examine constructors, methods and properties of a class or instance and use them as snippets\n Crude class resolution for variables and method return values (still a quick hack)\n Predictive suggestions\n\nSome planned future features:\n\n Improved class resolution\n Include parameter names in method suggestions\n Unit tests, refactoring, make package extensible\n Optimize class loading\n Watch changed classes\n Autocomplete implementations of getter and setter methods\n Autocomplete implementations of overriding methods\n Grouping imports by sun/google conventions\n ... See all open issues at GitHub issues\n\nOfficial page for package at autocomplete-java\n\n## Preview\n\nScreenshot\n\n## Usage\n\nConfigure classpath via a .classpath file. A simple project would typically contain a single .classpath file that is placed at the root directory of the project. A large project would contain a separate .classpath file for each module. An example of .classpath file contents:\n\n ./classes:./lib/:../api/classes\n\nThere is an example of multimodule classpath setup on linter-javac Wiki.\n\nYou can alter the default .classpath filename and other autocomplete behavior with package settings.\n\nNOTE:\n The package requires that either JAVA_HOME environment variable is set or JDK tools (javap, jar) are found in path. Alternatively you can set JAVA_HOME in package settings.\n The package requires compiled classes to function, but it does not compile classes from source. Use other tools for compiling.\n If you want autocomplete to show method argument names, compile your classes with the -parameters switch of Javac.\n If you compile classes manually, disable the 'refresh class on save' setting and run 'refresh project' manually after compilation (ctrl-alt-shift-R). Also try to avoid running refresh command and your build scripts at the same time.\n Scanning all classes in classpath is still unoptimized. It might take a few minutes until autocomplete fully kicks in after opening a project, so please be patient.\n Class resolution for variables and method return values is still a quick hack and it will be improved in the future. If the package fails to resolve class automatically, you can still examine methods with a class name if you know the class yourself (e.g. ArrayList.con...).\n\n## Tips\n\nAt first, compile all your classes using your favorite build tool, and start your app. While editing java source files, lint and compile changed classes automatically with linter-javac, and the autocomplete-java package will refresh changed classes automatically on save. You can also reload changed classes automatically in JVM with spring-loaded or some other JVM agent. This way you can develop your app while the app is running.\n\nNOTE: Current version of linter-javac performs bad in case of slow hard drive and large amount of classes to be linted. If you experience freezing during file save, consider disabling linter-javac, at least for now.\n\nNOTE: Error in one class may prevent compilation of multiple classes. Therefore once you fix an error, multiple classes might be recompiled at once. So sometimes you might have to run 'project refresh' manually after you fix an error (ctrl-alt-shift-R). See issue #19.\n\n## Contribute\n\nContributions are welcome. Please comment on issues you would like to contribute to, or add feature requests of your own.\n","downloads":14452,"stargazers_count":25},{"name":"rails-i18n-autocomplete","main":"./lib/rails-i18n-autocomplete","version":"0.3.0","description":"Autocomplete provider for rails i18n files","keywords":["rails","autocomplete"],"repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"},"dependencies":{"js-yaml":"^3.5.2","underscore":"^1.6.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getProvider"}}},"readme":"## rails-i18n-autocomplete\n\nAutocomplete provider for rails i18n files. Uses the autocomplete-plus package.\n\nrails-i18n-autocomplete in action\n\n## Installation\n\nsh\napm install rails-i18n-autocomplete\n\n\nor find it in the Packages tab under settings.\n","downloads":1365,"stargazers_count":11},{"name":"autocomplete-corona","main":"./lib/main","version":"1.0.2","description":"Corona SDK autocomplete package","keywords":["lua","corona","autocomplete"],"repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getAutocompleteProvider"}}},"dependencies":{"atom-package-deps":"^3.0.0"},"package-deps":["language-lua"],"readme":"# Corona Autocomplete\n\nAn Atom autocomplete-plus provider for Corona SDK.\n\n\n\n## Installation\n\nYou can install the package through Atom's package manager or just run apm install autocomplete-corona in your terminal.\n","downloads":707,"stargazers_count":1},{"name":"autocomplete-haskell","main":"./lib/autocomplete-haskell","version":"0.6.5","description":"Autocomplete-plus provider for haskell","keywords":["ide-haskell","ide","haskell","autocomplete","autocomplete-plus"],"repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=0.174.0 <2.0.0"},"activationHooks":["language-haskell:grammar-used"],"dependencies":{"fuzzaldrin":"^2.1.0","atom-backend-helper":"~1.1.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"autocompleteProvider_2_00"}}},"consumedServices":{"haskell-completion-backend":{"versions":{"0.1.0":"consumeCompBack","^1.0.0":"consumeCompBack"}}},"readme":"# autocomplete-haskell atom package\n\nAutocomplete-haskell provides autocompletion facilities for your Haskell\nhacking.\nIt relies on scope names provided by [language-haskell][1] and haskell-completion-backend service, provided by [haskell-ghc-mod][2]\n\nYou can show auto-completions for hole `. This will try to find replacements\nbased on type. It's no magic though, so if hole has some crazy type, it won't\nfind anything. You can also refine hole completions based on name by using named holes, e.g._from\n\nCurrent autocompletion scopes:\n\n* Import module name\n* Import module symbols\n* Language pragmas\n* OPTIONS_GHC pragma\n* Type name\n* Class name\n* Symbol name\n\nSadly, it does not pick up types and/or other symbols defined in current file\n(ghc-mod seems to be incapable of this feat), so for this you have to rely on\ndefault autocomplete-plus SymbolProvider.\n\n## Dependencies\n\nAtom packages:\n\n* [language-haskell][1]\n* [haskell-ghc-mod][2]\n\n[1]:\n[2]:\n\nAutocompletion:\n\n![autocomplete](\n\nImport autocompletion:\n\n![import](\n\nHole autocompletion:\n\n![hole](\n","downloads":29000,"stargazers_count":41},{"name":"autocomplete-modules","main":"./src/main","version":"1.4.1","description":"Autocomplete for require/import statements","keywords":["javascript","require","import","module","autocomplete","autocomplete-plus","npm","node"],"repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=0.174.0 <2.0.0"},"dependencies":{"bluebird":"3.3.1","fuzzaldrin":"2.1.0","lodash.escaperegexp":"4.1.0"},"devDependencies":{"babel-eslint":"^4.1.8","eslint":"1.10.3","eslint-config-nkt":"1.0.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getCompletionProvider"}}},"readme":"# Atom autocomplete for modules.\n[![Current version](](\n[![Downloads](](\n\nAutocomplete for require/import statements.\n\n![Preview](\n\n## Configuration\n\n**Vendor directories:** A list of directories to search for modules relative to the project\n root. (*Default:*node_modules)\n\nLicense\n-------\n[![MIT License](](LICENSE)\n","downloads":23785,"stargazers_count":112},{"name":"autocomplete-python","main":"./lib/main","version":"1.7.2","description":"Python packages, variables, methods and functions with their arguments autocompletion powered by Jedi","activationCommands":{},"repository":"","license":"GPL","engines":{"atom":">=0.194.0 <2.0.0"},"dependencies":{"atom-slick":"^2.0.0","atom-space-pen-views":"~2.1.0","fuzzaldrin-plus":"^0.3.1","selector-kit":"^0.1","space-pen":"^5.1.2","underscore":"^1.8.3"},"package-dependencies":{},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getProvider"}},"hyperclick.provider":{"versions":{"0.0.0":"getHyperclickProvider"}}},"consumedServices":{"snippets":{"versions":{"0.1.0":"consumeSnippets"}}},"contributors":[{"name":"Dmitry Sadovnychyi","email":""}],"bugs":{"url":""},"keywords":["python","autocomplete","jedi"],"readme":"# Python Autocomplete Package [![Build Status](](\n\nPython packages, variables, methods and functions with their arguments autocompletion in [Atom]( powered by [Jedi](\n\nSee [releases]( for release notes.\n\n![Demo](\n\n# Features\n\n* Works with :apple: Mac OSX, :penguin: Linux and :checkered_flag: Windows\n* Works with both :snake: Python 2 and 3\n* Automatic lookup of virtual environments inside of your projects\n* Configurable additional packages to include for completions\n* Prints first N characters of statement value while completing variables\n* Prints function arguments while completing functions\n* Go-to-definition functionality, by default onAlt+Cmd+G/Ctrl+Alt+G. Thanks to [@patrys]( for idea and implementation.\n* Method override functionality. Available asoverride-methodcommand. Thanks to [@pchomik]( for idea and help.\n* If you have [Hyperclick]( installed – you can click on anything to go-to-definition\n ![sample](\n\n* Show usages of selected object\n ![sample](\n\n* Rename across multiple files. It will not touch files outside of your project, but it will change VCS ignored files. I'm not responsible for any broken projects without VCS because of this.\n ![sample](\n\n# Configuration\n\n* If using a [virtualenv]( with third-party packages, everything should \"just work\", but if it's not – use thePython Executable Pathsand/orExtra Paths For Packagesconfiguration options to specify the virtualenv's site-packages. Or launch Atom from the [activated virtualenv]( to get completion for your third-party packages\n* Be sure to check package settings and adjust them. Please read them carefully before creating any new issues\n * Set path to python executable if package cannot find it automatically\n * Set extra path if package cannot autocomplete external python libraries\n * Select one of autocomplete function parameters if you want function arguments to be completed\n\n ![image](\n\n\n# Common problems\n\n* \"Error: spawn UNKNOWN\" on Windows\n * Solution: Find your python executable and uncheck the \"Run this program as an administrator\". See issue [#22](\n* You have a separated folder for virtualenvs (e.g. by usingvirtualenvwrapper) and all your virtualenvs are stored in e.g.~/.virtualenvs/\n * Create symlink to venv from your project root\n * OR\n * Add virtualenv folder as additional project root\n * OR\n * Use a virtualenv with the same name as the folder name of your project and use $PROJECT_NAME variable to set path to python executable.\n You can use same variable to set extra paths as well. For example:\n ```\n /Users/name/.virtualenvs/$PROJECT_NAME/bin/python3.4\n ```\n * See issue [#143](\n* No argument completion after I type left parenthesis character\n * Likely this is because you have non standard keyboard layout.\n Try to install the keyboard-localization package from:\n and use keymap generator to check what unicode character being generated after you type(.\n Currently we trigger argument completion only onU+0028,U+0038andU+0039.\n","downloads":233890,"stargazers_count":313},{"name":"autocomplete-json","main":"./dist/main","version":"1.9.1","description":"Atom autocomplete+ plugin for semantic JSON completions","repository":{"type":"git","url":"git+"},"keywords":["autocomplete","json","package","tsconfig","bower","babelrc","composer"],"author":"Balazs Edes","license":"MIT","bugs":{"url":""},"homepage":"","dependencies":{"jaro-winkler":"^0.2.6","lodash":"^3.10.1","minimatch":"^3.0.0","node-fetch":"^1.3.3","npm-package-lookup":"^0.2.1","packagist-package-lookup":"^0.2.0","query-string":"^3.0.0","tokenizer2":"^1.2.0","valid-url":"^1.0.9"},"devDependencies":{"babel-core":"^6.5.2","babel-polyfill":"^6.5.0","babel-preset-es2015":"^6.5.0","babel-preset-stage-0":"^6.5.0","del":"^2.2.0","gulp":"^3.9.0","gulp-babel":"^6.1.2","gulp-typescript":"^2.10.0","merge2":"^0.3.6","typescript":"^1.7.5"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"provideAutocomplete"}},"jsonschema.provider":{"versions":{"1.0.0":"provideJsonSchemaProviders"}},"jsonautocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"1.0.0":"provideProposalProviders"}}},"consumedServices":{"jsonschema.provider":{"versions":{"1.0.0":"consumeJsonSchemaProviders"}},"jsonautocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"1.0.0 ":"consumeJsonProposalProviders"}}},"readme":"#autocomplete-json\r\nThis package enables semantic autocompletion for JSON files.\r\n\r\n#features\r\n\r\n###Autocomplete using JSON schema\r\n\r\n![JSON schema autocomplete](\r\n\r\n###Autocomplete npm dependencies\r\n\r\n![Autocomplete npm dependencies](\r\n\r\n###Autocomplete files\r\n\r\n![Autocomplete files](\r\n\r\n###Autocomplete babelrc 6+ plugins and presets\r\n\r\n![Autocomplete babelrc plugins and presets](\r\n\r\n\r\n#currently supported schemas\r\n\r\n1.package.json- for node package configuration\r\n2.tsconfig.json- for TypeScript project configuration\r\n3.bower.json- for bower configuration **(package completions missing - need help with versions)**\r\n4..babelrc- for babel 6+ configuration. **To make this work, you have to remove.*from the autocomplete-plus blacklist!**File->Settings->Packages->autocomplete-plus->Settings-> override default.*with a space for example\r\n5.composer.json- for the popular php package manager\r\n\r\n#development & plugins\r\n\r\nCheck out the [wiki](\r\n","downloads":5627,"stargazers_count":21},{"name":"atom-autocomplete-php","main":"./lib/peekmo-php-atom-autocomplete","version":"0.18.7","description":"Atom autocompletion plugin for PHP language","repository":{"type":"git","url":""},"license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">0.50.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getProvider"}},"":{"versions":{"0.16.0":"provideAutocompleteTools"}}},"dependencies":{"fuzzaldrin":"^2.1.0","md5":"2.0.0","sub-atom":"~1.0.0","jquery":"~2.1.4","atom-space-pen-views":"~2.0.5"},"consumedServices":{"status-bar":{"versions":{"^1.0.0":"consumeStatusBar"}},"autocomplete.php.plugin":{"versions":{"1.0.0":"consumePlugin"}}},"keywords":["php","composer","autocomplete"],"readme":"# atom-autocomplete-php\n\n**/!\ This package has a bug with atom 1.3.*(freeze on split pane) Please, use 1.2 or 1.4(beta) in order to avoid that bug**\n\n[![Join the chat at](](\n\natom-autocomplete-php provides autocompletion for the PHP language for projects that use Composer for dependency management. What cool things can you expect?\n \* Autocompletion of class members, built-in constants, built-in PHP functions, ...\n \* Autocompletion of class names and automatic adding ofusestatements where needed.\n \* Alt-clicking class members, class names, etc. to navigate to their definition.\n \* Annotations in the gutter for methods that are overrides or interface implementations.\n \* Tooltips for methods, classes, etc. that display information about the item itself.\n \* IntellJ-style variable annotations/ @var MyType $var */as well as/* @var $var MyType /.\n \* Shortcut variable annotations (must appear right above the respective variable)/ @var MyType */.\n \* ...\n\n## What do I need to do to make it work?\nCurrently the following limitations or restrictions are present:\n \* You must use [Composer]( for dependency management.\n \* You must follow the PSR standards (for the names of classes, methods, namespacing, etc.).\n \* You must write proper docblocks for your methods. There currently is no standard around this, but we try to follow the draft PSR-5 standard (which, in turn, is mostly inspired by phpDocumentor's implementation). Minimum requirements for proper autocompletion:\n \*@returnstatements for functions and methods.\n \*@paramstatements for functions and methods.\n \*@varstatements for properties in classes.\n \* (Type hints in functions and methods will also be checked.)\n\nSome features may or may not work outside these restrictions. Composer is primarily used for its classmap, to fetch a list of classes that are present in your codebase. Reflection is used to fetch information about classes.\n\nThe package also requires a one time setup, To configure the plugin, click on \"package\" in your preferences, and select \"settings\" on atom-autocomplete-php plugin.\n\n- **Command to use composer** : it's highly recommended to write here the full path to your composer.phar bin. E.G on unix systems, it could be /usr/local/bin/composer. Using an alias is not recommended at all!\n- **Command php** : Command to execute PHP cli in your console. (php by default on unix systems). If it doesn't work, put here the full path to your PHP bin.\n- **Autoload file** : Write here, a coma separated list of all the different path to the autoload files. By default, it's \"vendor/autoload.php\" for composer projects ;)\n- **Classmap files** : All paths to PHP files that returns an array of \"className\" => \"fullPath to the file where the class is located\". The default one for composer is vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php\n\nYou can test your configuration by using a command (cmd - shift - p) :Atom Autocomplete Php : Configuration\n\n### Linux\n![Configuration](\n&nbsp;\n\n### Windows (WAMP and ComposerSetup)\n![Settings](\n&nbsp;\n\n## Framework integration\n \* [Symfony2 plugin](\n\n## What Does Not Work?\n \* Most of the issue reports indicate things that are missing, but autocompletion should be working fairly well in general.\n\n### Won't Fix (For Now)\n \* \"Go to definition\" will take you to the incorrect location if a class is using a method with the exact same name as one in its own direct traits. You will be taken to the trait method instead of the class method (the latter should take precedence). See also issue #177.\n \*staticandselfbehave mostly like$thisand can access non-static methods when used in non-static contexts. See also issue #101.\n\n## What's Next & Contributing\nKeep in mind that this plugin is under active development. If you find a bug, please, open an issue with more information on how to reproduce. Feel free to contribute ;)\n\n![A screenshot of your spankin' package](\n","downloads":58769,"stargazers_count":96},{"name":"atom-autocomplete-erlang","main":"./lib/atom-autocomplete-erlang","version":"0.6.19","description":"Erlang code autocompletions","keywords":["erlang","erl","code","autocomplete","auto","snippet"],"repository":{"type":"git","url":"git+"},"license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getProvider"}}},"dependencies":{},"readmeFilename":"","bugs":{"url":""},"homepage":"","_id":"atom-autocomplete-erlang@0.2.0","_shasum":"9691fd0410288f921a5ae34f971223bfe927918d","_resolved":"file:..\\d-115101-13256-843dmf\\package.tgz","_from":"..\\d-115101-13256-843dmf\\package.tgz","_atomModuleCache":{"version":1,"dependencies":[],"extensions":{".json":["package.json"],".coffee":["lib\\","lib\\"],".js":[]},"folders":[]},"readme":"# atom-autocomplete-erlang\n[![Build Status](](\n[![Package version!](](\n[![Dependencies!](](\n\n## Features\n - Autocompletion of global module functions\n - Autocompletion of local project module functions (those which compile successfully)\n - Adds snippets to Erlang files.\n\n![A screencast](\n\n## Requirements\n Must be installed Erlang/OTP and path to 'erl' executable file must be defined in OS.\n\n Recommended that your project has a standard directory structure with the design principles of OTP applications.\n\n### Required packages\n [language-erlang](\n [autocomplete-plus](\n [autocomplete-snippets](\n\napm publish patch\n","downloads":656,"stargazers_count":4},{"name":"autocomplete-polymer","main":"./lib/main","version":"0.2.4","description":"Polymer element and attribute autocompletions","keywords":["Polymer","Autocomplete","Web Components","Components","Atom","Polymer.js","web-components"],"repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=0.174.0 <2.0.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getProvider"}}},"dependencies":{"esprima":"^2.2.0","scandal":"2.0.0","temp":"0.8.1","estraverse":"^4.1.0"},"author":{"name":"Mark Silverwood"},"readme":"![polymer autocomplete logo]( \n\n## Polymer Autocomplete Package\n\nPolymer element tag and attribute autocompletions in Atom.\n\n\n:movie_camera: [Preview video of autocomplete-polymer in action](\n\n### Package Installation\nFrom the Atom editor menus, navigate toAtom -> Preferences. \nClick on the install tab and enterautocomplete-polymerin the search field. \n\n### Usage guide\nFor the package to offer autocompletion hints it needs to have a list of the possible elements\nin your current project. This is saved within a file in your projects root directory This file needs to built for each polymer project and updated when elements are changed or added (including bower components). It is recommended that the file is added to your.gitignore. \n\nWhenever you need to build / update the autocompletion dictionary (.ac-poly.json) then run theUpdate Project Completions Dictionarycommand in the autocomplete-polymer package menu (Packages -> Autocomplete Polymer) in the top toolbar. \nYou can also callAutocomplete Polymer:Updatefrom the command palette (cmd + shift + p) or use the keyboard shortcutctrl + alt + p.\n\n### How it works\nThe package builds a list of autocompletions by:\n- Scanning your projects directory for alljsandhtmlfiles that are not within a folder namedtestordemo.\n- then it searches through those files for the Polymer element registration calls (Polymer({ is: '...'})).\n- The identified scripts containing the Polymer calls are then parsed and analysed byesprimasuch that we can pull out the elements names and a list of it's properties.\n- A JSON object is written to the projects root folder which contains all the element names and the properties associated with those elements.\n\n### Important Notes\n- Probably not compatible with atom projects which have multiple root folders.\n- Will ignore any files placed within atestordemofolder.\n- Only scansjsandhtmlfiles.\n- Required to run the update command whenever there is a need to refresh the completions dictionary.\n\n### Recommended Packages for Atom\n- For Polymer snippets check out: [atom-polymer]( \n- Html autocompletions: [autocomplete-html]( \n- Automatic closing of html tags: [autoclose-html]( \n- File path autocompletions: [autocomplete-paths](\n- Html code linter: [linter-htmlhint](\n\n\n### Acknowledgements\nThis project is a fork of the [autocomplete-html]( project. The project makes use of [scandal]( for directory scanning and file searching, [esprima](http:// for the javascript analysis and [estraverse]( for the transversal of the abstract syntax tree.\n\n### Bugs, Improvements, Requests\nPlease add an issue in the GitHub repository if you find any bugs, have improvement ideas, or requests.\n\n### Contributing\nAny pull requests will be greatly welcome since I'm sure there is plenty of room for improvement.\n\n### Author\nMark Silverwood\n","downloads":2270,"stargazers_count":14},{"name":"autocomplete-js-import","version":"1.0.1","description":"Autocompletes commonjs and es6 import statements","main":"lib/index.js","scripts":{"test":"echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"},"repository":{"type":"git","url":""},"keywords":["autocomplete","atom","es6","es2015","require","import"],"author":"Daniel Garcia-Carrillo","license":"MIT","bugs":{"url":""},"engines":{"atom":">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"provide"}}},"homepage":"","devDependencies":{"eslint":"^2.5.1"},"dependencies":{"lodash.uniq":"^4.2.0"},"readme":"# autocomplete-js-import\nAutocomplete+ provider for JS import statements\n\nThis allows the completion of any files relative to the current directory.\nAdditionally, there are settings to enable autocompletion of dependent packages found in the current\nproject's root package.json file.\n\n![import local files screenshot](\n\n# TODO\n* Changing settings doesn't do anything until atom restart\n\n# Wontfix issues\n* Editing package.json dependencies doesn't reflect in suggestions until restart\n * Requires me to watch files which could be a heavy operation for large package.json\n","downloads":540,"stargazers_count":0},{"name":"autocomplete-abl","main":"./lib/autocomplete-abl","version":"0.1.2","description":"Autocomplete-plus for OpenEdge ABL","homepage":"","repository":{"type":"git","url":""},"license":"MIT","bugs":{"url":""},"engines":{"atom":">=0.174.0 <2.0.0"},"dependencies":{},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"provide"}}},"readme":"# autocomplete-abl\nAutocomplete-plus for OpenEdge ABL\n","downloads":229,"stargazers_count":1},{"name":"autocomplete-php","main":"./lib/main","version":"0.3.7","description":"Autocomplete-php is a PHP provider for autocomplete+","repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=0.174.0 <2.0.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getProvider"}}},"readme":"# autocomplete-php package\nAn Atom PHP autocompleter forautocomplete-plus\n\n**Now is mandatory have PHP in the enviroment PATH**\n\nBeta version.\n\n![Demo](\n\n### Requirements:\n- Atomautocomplete-pluspackage\n - (instll withapm install autocomplete-plus)\n- Now is mandatory have PHP in the enviroment PATH\n\n### Installation\n-apm install autocomplete-php\n- or install through Atom's UI\n\n### To-Do\n- [x] Get local variables from current file\n- [x] Get local functions from current file (Included snippets with params)\n\n### Maybe\n- [ ] Update option for list of internal php functions\n\n### Thanks to:\n- [@amp343]( - Add snippets to php internal functions\n- [@fbereche]( - Help me with some ideas in the new way to get autocomplete\n\n[![Share the love!](](\n","downloads":44568,"stargazers_count":137},{"name":"autocomplete-gml","version":"0.1.4","main":"lib/main.js","description":"GML autocompletions in atom. Uses autocomplete-plus.","repository":"","license":"GPL-3.0","engines":{"atom":">=0.189.0 <2.0.0"},"devDependencies":{"typescript":"^1.7"},"dependencies":{},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"provide"}}},"keywords":["GML","Gamemaker","autocompletion"],"readme":"# autocomplete-gml\nAutocompletion of built-in GML scripts, variables and project file entities. Uses the [autocomplete-plus]( package.\n\n![screenshotautocomplete](\n\n## Installation\nFirst install [language-gml](\n\n apm install language-gml\n\nThen install this package:\n\n apm install autocomplete-gml\n\n## Related packages\n\n * [linter-gml](\n","downloads":165,"stargazers_count":2},{"name":"autocomplete-scb","main":"./lib/autocomplete-scb","version":"0.0.1","description":"PcVue's SCADABasic autocomplete support for Atom","keywords":[],"activationCommands":{"atom-workspace":"autocomplete-scb:toggle"},"repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"},"dependencies":{},"readme":"# autocomplete-scb package\n\nPcVue's SCADABasic autocomplete support for Atom\n\n![PcVue's SCADABasic autocomplete support for Atom](\n","downloads":74,"stargazers_count":0},{"name":"autocomplete-css","version":"0.11.1","description":"CSS property name and value autocompletions","main":"./lib/main","license":"MIT","repository":"","engines":{"atom":">=0.174.0 <2.0.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getProvider"}}},"devDependencies":{"bluebird":"^2.9.25","coffeelint":"^1.9.7","request":"^2.53.0"},"readme":"# CSS Autocomplete Package [![Build Status](](\n\nCSS property name and value autocompletions in Atom. Uses the \n[autocomplete-plus]( package.\n\nThis is powered by the list of CSS property and values [here](\n\n![css-completions](\n\nYou can update the prebuilt list of property names and values by running\ntheupdate.coffeefile at the root of the repository and then checking in\nthe changedproperties.jsonfile.\n","downloads":149693,"stargazers_count":89},{"name":"autocomplete-en-en","main":"./lib/autocomplete-en-en","version":"0.1.0","author":"Shuai Wu <>","description":"English word autocompetion with the hint of explanation.","repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"},"keywords":["autocomplete","English","words","Explnaation","fuzzy"],"configSchema":{"FileType":{"type":"string","default":".text.plain, .text.plain.null-grammar, .text.tex.latex, .source.gfm","description":"List of scopes for typing which will be given the word completion. See [the README]( for more information on finding the correct scope for a specific language."}},"dependencies":{"fuzzaldrin":"^2.1.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getProvider"}}},"readme":"\n# Introduction\nAn [autocomplete-plus]( provider completing English words with the hint of English explanation.\n\nThis package requires [autocomplete-plus]( and [fuzzaldrin](\nThe package [fuzzaldrin]( is one of the core package of atom which has been installed by default. This package offers a fuzzy match function which is useful for uncertain words. The dictionary is based on the Oxford advanced learner dictionary.\n\n# Usage\nFor the defined file types, it will complete automatically. Like the figure shows below.\n\n![A screenshot of the package using](\n\n The default setting includes text file, latex file, markdown file, null grammar file. If you need to add your file type, add the type string in the setting panel.\n\n![A screenshot of the setting page](\n\nTo enable completion for your current file type, open one of the file and put your cursor in, open the Command Palette (cmd+shift+p or ctrl+shift+p), and run the: \"Log Cursor Scope\" command. This will trigger a notification which will contain a list of scopes. The first scope that's listed is the one you should add to the list of scopes in the settings for the package. Here are some examples: .source.gfm (markdown file), .text.plain (text file), .text.tex.latex (latex file).\n\n# Acknowledgement\nInspired by [autocomplete-APPLEASMx64](\n\n# License\n[MIT](h © [Shuai Wu](\n","downloads":3,"stargazers_count":1},{"name":"autocomplete-en-cn","main":"./lib/autocomplete-en-cn","version":"0.3.3","author":"Shuai Wu <>","description":"English word autocompetion with the hint of Chinese explanation.","repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"},"keywords":["autocomplete","English","words","Chinese","fuzzy"],"configSchema":{"FileType":{"type":"string","default":".text.plain, .text.plain.null-grammar, .text.tex.latex, .source.gfm","description":"List of scopes for typing which will be given the word completion. See [the README]( for more information on finding the correct scope for a specific language."}},"dependencies":{"fuzzaldrin":"^2.1.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getProvider"}}},"readme":"\n# Introduction 介绍\nAn [autocomplete-plus]( provider completing English words with the hint of Chinese explanation.\n\n这是一个基于[autocomplete-plus](的英文单词自动补全插件,能够根据输入模糊匹配单词,提供中文解释提醒。\n\nThis package requires [autocomplete-plus]( and [fuzzaldrin](\nThe package [fuzzaldrin]( is one of the core package of atom which has been installed by default. This package offers a fuzzy match function which is useful for uncertain words.\n\n这个插件需要提前安装[autocomplete-plus]( 和 [fuzzaldrin](\n其中[fuzzaldrin]( 是Atom的核心包,默认应该已经安装,[fuzzaldrin]( 提供模糊匹配功能,对于不能准确记忆的单词非常有效。\n\n# Usage 使用\nFor the defined file types, it will complete automatically. Like the figure shows below.\n\n对于默认设置中包含的文件类型,该插件将自动起作用,根据输入的英文字母提示匹配的单词,如下图所示。\n\n![A screenshot of the package using](\n\n The default setting includes text file, latex file, markdown file, null grammar file. If you need to add your file type, add the type string in the setting panel.\n\n 默认设置的文件类型包括文本文件(.txt),latex源文件(.tex),markdown文件(.md),无格式文件(无后缀)。如果需要添加另外的文件类型,将文件类型相应的字符串填入设置的框中即可。\n\n![A screenshot of the setting page](\n\n\nTo enable completion for your current file type, open one of the file and put your cursor in, open the Command Palette (cmd+shift+p or ctrl+shift+p), and run the: \"Log Cursor Scope\" command. This will trigger a notification which will contain a list of scopes. The first scope that's listed is the one you should add to the list of scopes in the settings for the package. Here are some examples: .source.gfm (markdown file), .text.plain (text file), .text.tex.latex (latex file).\n\n要了解文件对应的字符串,可以打开一个所希望的文件类型,然后在当前文件窗口下输入(cmd+shift+p or ctrl+shift+p)打开命令面板,输入\"Log Cursor Scope\" ,回车,就会弹出一个小的提示窗口,列出了文件类型对应的字符串,记录之后填入包的设置面板即可。\n\n# Acknowledgement\nInspired by [autocomplete-APPLEASMx64](\n\n# License\n[MIT](h © [Shuai Wu](\n","downloads":22,"stargazers_count":1},{"name":"autocomplete-nunjucks","version":"0.5.0","private":true,"description":"autocomplete+ provider for nunjucks","main":"./lib/","scripts":{"test":"echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"},"repository":{"type":"git","url":"git+"},"keywords":["njk","nunjucks","autocomplete","autocomplete-plus","autocomplete+","atom","mozilla"],"engines":{"atom":">=0.174.0 <2.0.0"},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"provide"}}},"author":"Puranjay Jain","license":"MIT","bugs":{"url":""},"homepage":"","readme":"# autocomplete-nunjucks\nAutocomplete+ provider for nunjucks templating engine for atom text editor\n\n## Language support\nThe language support for package is at [language-nunjucks](\n\n## Working sample\n\n![Screen gif 2](\n\n## Special thanks to\n\n[language-nunjucks]( and their contributors.\n\n## Note\nThis might break occasionally. So, report any issues.\n\nAlso, any suggestions are welcome!\n\nFeel free to contribute!\n\n## License\nLicensed under the [MIT License](\n","downloads":159,"stargazers_count":0},{"name":"autocomplete-plus-python-jedi","main":"./lib/acp-python-jedi","version":"0.3.6","description":"A python Autocomplete Plus provider based on Jedi","activationCommands":{},"repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=0.174.0 <2.0.0"},"dependencies":{"atom-package-dependencies":"latest","atom-message-panel":"latest","jquery":"^2","semver":"^4.2.0"},"package-dependencies":{},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"provide"}}},"contributors":[{"name":"Lukas Barth","email":""}],"bugs":{"url":""},"keywords":["python","autocomplete-plus","autocomplete","jedi"],"readme":"# autocomplete-plus-python-jedi package - A python Autocomplete Plus provider based on Jedi\n\nThis is a provider for the awesome [Autocomplete Plus]( making it ready for Python code.\n\n[![Flattr Button]( \"Flattr This!\")]( \"ACP-Python-Jedi\")\n\n## Features\n\n* Autocompletion from Jedi\n* Suggestions include functions' methods (optionally) - just tab through them!\n* Comes with bundled Jedi - no need for jedi in your pythonpath\n\n## Installation\n\nEither use Atoms package manager orapm install autocomplete-plus-python-jedi\n\n## Changelog\n\nThis package was inspired by a very similar package by [fallenhitokiri](\n\nSee for a complete changelog\n","downloads":16616,"stargazers_count":38},{"name":"autocomplete-wordpress-hooks","main":"./lib/main","version":"0.2.0","description":"Autocomplete support for WordPress actions and filters.","keywords":["php","wordpress","autocomplete"],"repository":"","license":"MIT","engines":{"atom":">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"},"dependencies":{},"providedServices":{"autocomplete.provider":{"versions":{"2.0.0":"getProvider"}}},"readme":"# Autocomplete WordPress Hooks\n\nAutocomplete support for WordPress actions and filters in the Atom editor.\n\n![autocomplete](\n","downloads":3980,"stargazers_count":30}] Featured Packages Fetching featured packages failed.Show output… File 0Project 0No IssuesSettings

I've tried running Atom in safe mode and also making sure it is being executed as administrator but nothing changed.


albertosantini commented 8 years ago

Shall you fill the issue template, please?

Generally speaking, you may read the recent post about issue guidelines.

midium commented 8 years ago

## Prerequisites

## Description

Atom not able to search for packages to be installed please see my first post for the returned result.

## Steps to Reproduce

Launch Atom
Goto Packages -> Settings View -> Install Packages/Themes
Try search a package

Expected behavior: Searched package returned

Actual behavior: Atom return the issue on my first post

Atom : 1.7.3 OS: Windows 7 Pro 64bit

damieng commented 8 years ago

Obviously this isn't broken for everybody or it would be a total show stopper.

midium commented 8 years ago

I was searching for vue-autocomplete but it happens searching evenrything. Obviously I'm not saying this happens to anyone so maybe it could be an issue of my PC. I admit I'm connected most of the time to my company VPN so I will try without being connected to the VPN even if I don't think this is the problem since I can reach any website and also the message on my first post seems to basically return something after all.

My windows is an english version and have UAC active not sure if this can make difference but it should not as even starting it as admin (and confirming UAC advise) the issue remains

Update event without VPN active the issue remain

midium commented 8 years ago

Just opened dev tools inside Atom and this is what I see:


Also navigating for example to the update tab or the packages tab on the same page following errors raised:


Not sure if this can make any difference to the investigation.

damieng commented 8 years ago

It appears that when trying to get 'Featured packages' it's returning an error - an error that breaks the JSON structure of the document causing it to be unable to parse the whole thing.

Can you type this in at the command line apm featured

midium commented 8 years ago


This is what it returns

damieng commented 8 years ago

Hmm. That looks fine. How about cmd.exe and what that outputs.

On Fri, May 6, 2016, 07:00 Matteo Loro wrote:

[image: atom]

This is what it returns

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midium commented 8 years ago


Seems the same to me

damieng commented 8 years ago

Sorry I mean can you type cmd.exe it might reveal something.

On Fri, May 6, 2016, 07:32 Matteo Loro wrote:

[image: atom]

Seems the same to me

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midium commented 8 years ago

I've lost you now. cmd.exe is the command terminal of windows running it simply raise the terminal itself so I can't see any help. If you are saying to call it from within Atom then can you please let me know where I should go to use it?

damieng commented 8 years ago

cmd.exe can be set to automatically run additional commands when it fires up. We fire it up a lot behind the scenes to run apm etc. and those additional commands break the parsing.

if cmd.exe outputs anything beyond the additional spew it could cause a problem like this.

On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 7:58 AM Matteo Loro wrote:

I've lost you now. cmd.exe is the command terminal of windows running it simply raise the terminal itself so I can't see any help. If you are saying to call it from within Atom then can you please let me know where I should go to use it?

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midium commented 8 years ago

I still don't get what you mean me to try to do sorry, can you explain me how to do it?

damieng commented 8 years ago

Should look like this;

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14332]
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Just need you to type cmd.exe in a command prompt and paste the results back here to make sure there is no additional output being generated.

midium commented 8 years ago

I don't have such return on mine and sincerely never seen it like that in my life using cmd.exe Anyway find another way to get what you may need:


damieng commented 8 years ago

That doesn't provide the info I need. If you can't type cmd.exe in a command window and show the results then I'm out of ideas.

lee-dohm commented 8 years ago

@midium What @damieng is asking for is if you could open a Command Window like you did in your last post and then type cmd.exe. There may be additional output when launching that executable that is causing this problem.

midium commented 8 years ago

@lee-dohm it is something I've already tried but I only get another command window and no versione details

damieng commented 8 years ago

Please post a screenshot of you typing cmd.exe and pressing enter in a command window.

midium commented 8 years ago

This is just before pressing enter: cmd1

This is after having press enter: cmd2

As already told on previous posts, no information like you reported are being given, simply a new instance of the command line tool is instantiate inside the original one, in fact I have to do double exit to close the command line tool.


damieng commented 8 years ago

The fact it outputs absolutely nothing is stranger and probably the cause of this error as we expect it to output two lines of info that we strip out but are now probably stripping out the output of the command we need.What version and locale of windows is this?

On Thu, Jun 9, 2016, 05:01 Matteo Loro wrote:

This is just before pressing enter: [image: cmd1]

This is after having press enter: [image: cmd2]

As already told on previous posts, no information like you reported are being given, simply a new instance of the command line tool is instantiate inside the original one, in fact I have to do double exit to close the command line tool.


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midium commented 8 years ago

It is window 7 64 bit Enterprise with SP1 UK

midium commented 8 years ago

Ok, this seems something related the the previous 1.7.4 version as I've just seen that now my Atom updates to version 1.8.0 and everything is working properly now.

damieng commented 8 years ago

I put an extra switch in 1.8 that prevented command-line autoruns from being run when we shell out to things like apm - again because we don't expect additional output. I wonder if something in there was causing the version output suppression on your system. Glad to know it's working now though.

lock[bot] commented 6 years ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. If you can still reproduce this issue in Safe Mode then please open a new issue and fill out the entire issue template to ensure that we have enough information to address your issue. Thanks!