atom / atom

:atom: The hackable text editor
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Uncaught Error: Replacing non-existent child when trying to split panes #15587

Closed lzkelley closed 6 years ago

lzkelley commented 6 years ago

Possibly related to

  1. view > panes > split right

None of the splits work, neither from the view-menu nor keyboard shortcuts.

Atom: 1.19.6 x64 Electron: 1.6.9 OS: Mac OS X 10.12.5 Thrown From: Atom Core

Stack Trace

Uncaught Error: Replacing non-existent child

At /Applications/

Error: Replacing non-existent child
    at PaneContainer.replaceChild (/Applications/
    at Pane.module.exports.Pane.split (/Applications/
    at Pane.module.exports.Pane.splitRight (/Applications/
    at HTMLElement.pane:split-right-and-copy-active-item (/Applications/
    at CommandRegistry.module.exports.CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/Applications/
    at CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/Applications/
    at CommandRegistry.module.exports.CommandRegistry.dispatch (/Applications/
    at AtomEnvironment.module.exports.AtomEnvironment.dispatchApplicationMenuCommand (/Applications/
    at EventEmitter.outerCallback (/Applications/
    at emitThree (events.js:116:13)
    at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:194:7)


     -0:43.5.0 project-manager:list-projects (
     -0:41.5.0 core:move-down (input.hidden-input)
     -0:41.1.0 core:confirm (input.hidden-input)
  2x -0:41 tree-view:show (atom-workspace.workspace.scrollbars-visible-when-scrolling.theme-one-dark-syntax.theme-one-dark-ui)
     -0:24.2.0 editor:fold-at-indent-level-1 (input.hidden-input)
     -0:13.2.0 pane:split-right-and-copy-active-item (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

advanced-open-file 0.16.6 
atom-beautify 0.30.5 
atom-html-preview 0.2.2 
atomic-emacs 0.12.1 
bug-report 0.7.1 
busy-signal 1.4.3 
color-picker 2.2.5 
counter 0.3.5 
emmet 2.4.3 
file-icons 2.1.11 
file-watcher 1.2.6 
git-time-machine 1.5.9 
goto-definition 1.3.4 
intentions 1.1.5 
language-cython 0.3.0 
language-latex 1.1.1 
language-restructuredtext 1.1.0 
latex 0.46.0 
linter 2.2.0 
linter-chktex 1.3.1 
linter-flake8 2.2.1 
linter-markdown 5.2.0 
linter-ui-default 1.6.8 
MagicPython 1.0.12 
markdown-scroll-sync 2.1.2 
markdown-writer 2.7.2 
merge-conflicts 1.4.5 
minimap 4.29.6 
minimap-cursorline 0.2.0 
pdf-view 0.59.0 
pretty-json 1.6.4 
project-manager 3.3.5 
python-indent 1.1.0 
rst-preview-pandoc 0.1.12 
Sublime-Style-Column-Selection 1.7.4 
symbols-tree-view 0.14.0 
rsese commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the report! Can you reproduce in safe mode (atom --safe)? Also, are your steps to reproduce the same as I.e. do you have to start an empty window, add a project, open a file, then split? Or is any attempt at splitting generating an error for you?

After making sure to save any unsaved work, does clearing saved state clear things up for you?

lzkelley commented 6 years ago

Hmm. I haven't been able to reproduce the problem which first occurred after a (hard) reboot. Normal restarts since then also haven't reproduced the problem. It's probably safe to assume that something got corrupted at the time, but there isn't a general issue. Sorry I didn't confirm before posting, but I'll close this for now --- and update if the issue returns!

julian-carpenter commented 6 years ago

Well, with me the error seems to persist even after a hard reboot. It works well when i start Atom with the safe flag though. Will try to narrow down a possible plugin incompatibility

EDIT: it's the minimap-cursorline package. don't know why, but disabling the package solves the error. It is already reported here: Issue 3 ... or rather here

  1. ... Open Atom
  2. ... Try to split Editor

Atom: 1.19.7 x64 Electron: 1.6.11 OS: linux 4.12.12-1-ARCH Thrown From: Atom Core

Stack Trace

Uncaught Error: Replacing non-existent child

At /usr/lib/atom/src/pane-container.js:141

Error: Replacing non-existent child
    at PaneContainer.replaceChild (/usr/lib/atom/src/pane-container.js:141:41)
    at Pane.module.exports.Pane.split (/usr/lib/atom/src/pane.js:982:21)
    at Pane.module.exports.Pane.splitRight (/usr/lib/atom/src/pane.js:962:19)
    at HTMLElement.pane:split-right-and-copy-active-item (/usr/lib/atom/src/register-default-commands.js:267:32)
    at CommandRegistry.module.exports.CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/usr/lib/atom/src/command-registry.js:265:29)
    at /usr/lib/atom/src/command-registry.js:3:59
    at KeymapManager.module.exports.KeymapManager.dispatchCommandEvent (/usr/lib/atom/node_modules/atom-keymap/lib/keymap-manager.js:606:16)
    at KeymapManager.module.exports.KeymapManager.handleKeyboardEvent (/usr/lib/atom/node_modules/atom-keymap/lib/keymap-manager.js:397:22)
    at WindowEventHandler.module.exports.WindowEventHandler.handleDocumentKeyEvent (/usr/lib/atom/src/window-event-handler.js:100:36)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/atom/src/window-event-handler.js:3:59)


     -0:40.9.0 application:reopen-project (input.hidden-input)
     -0:35.3.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
     -0:35.1.0 pane:split-right-and-copy-active-item (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

atom-beautify 0.30.5 
autocomplete-fortran 0.9.5 
autocomplete-python 1.10.2 
autocomplete-R 0.6.0 
busy-signal 1.4.3 
color-picker 2.2.5 
ctrl-dir-scroll 0.2.5 
git-plus 7.9.3 
highlight-selected 0.13.1 
intentions 1.1.5 
intentions-colorpicker 1.0.1 
kite 0.41.0 
language-latex 1.1.1 
language-markdown 0.25.1 
language-matlab 0.2.1 
latex 0.46.0 
latextools 0.8.5 
linter 2.2.0 
linter-docker 0.2.1 
linter-matlab 1.1.0 
linter-pylint 2.1.0 
linter-sass-lint 1.7.6 
linter-scss-lint 3.1.1 
linter-spell 0.15.0 
linter-spell-latex 0.10.0 
linter-ui-default 1.6.8 
markdown-writer 2.7.2 
minimap 4.29.6 
minimap-cursorline 0.2.0 
minimap-find-and-replace 4.5.2 
minimap-git-diff 4.3.1 
minimap-highlight-selected 4.6.1 
minimap-linter 2.0.2 
script 3.15.0 
sync-settings 0.8.3 
rsese commented 6 years ago

it's the minimap-cursorline package. don't know why, but disabling the package solves the error. It is already reported here: Issue 3 ... or rather here

Ahhh, awesome thanks for dropping that note @julian-carpenter :+1:

difelice commented 6 years ago


Pressing CMD + W several times and closing all "open" files fixed the issue.

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. Open
  2. Try to split

Atom: 1.21.1 x64 Electron: 1.6.15 OS: Mac OS X 10.13 Thrown From: Atom Core

Stack Trace

Uncaught Error: Replacing non-existent child

At /Applications/

Error: Replacing non-existent child
    at PaneContainer.replaceChild (/Applications/
    at Pane.module.exports.Pane.split (/Applications/
    at Pane.module.exports.Pane.splitRight (/Applications/
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Applications/
    at Object.end (/Applications/
    at HTMLLIElement.TabView.element.ondragend (/Applications/


     -0:59.5.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
     -0:55.6.0 application:add-project-folder (input.hidden-input)
  2x -0:44.9.0 fuzzy-finder:toggle-file-finder (
     -0:11.7.0 core:confirm (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

atom-beautify 0.30.5 
atom-jest-snippets 1.1.1 
atom-jinja2 0.6.0 
atom-material-syntax-dark 1.0.0 
atom-monokai 0.10.9 
browser-plus 0.0.98 
busy-signal 1.4.3 
change-case 0.6.5 
codemods 0.0.4 
color-picker 2.2.5 
dash-ui 0.4.3 
docblockr 0.11.0 
editorconfig 2.2.2 
flow-ide 1.8.1 
git-blame 1.3.1 
git-plus 7.10.0 
highlight-selected 0.13.1 
hyperclick 0.1.5 
intentions 1.1.5 
javascript-snippets 1.2.1 
language-babel 2.75.1 
language-hugo 0.3.1 
language-ini 1.19.0 
language-markdown 0.25.1 
language-swift 0.5.0 
lcov-info 0.12.0 
linter 2.2.0 
linter-eslint 8.3.2 
linter-flake8 2.2.1 
linter-flow 5.6.1 
linter-ui-default 1.6.10 
loved-syntax 1.0.2 
monokai-seti 0.9.0 
node-debugger 1.10.1 
pigments 0.40.2 
prettier-atom 0.40.0 
react-snippets 1.0.0 
sort-lines 0.18.0 
spacegray-atom-dark-syntax 1.3.2 
sublime-block-comment 0.5.1 
recmo commented 6 years ago

I'm having this issue regularly (v. 1.23.3).

rsese commented 6 years ago

@Recmo if you can reproduce in safe mode (atom --safe) and after clearing saved state 1 (make sure to save any unsaved work first), go ahead and open a new issue with the issue template filled out and we'll take a look.

lock[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. If you can still reproduce this issue in Safe Mode then please open a new issue and fill out the entire issue template to ensure that we have enough information to address your issue. Thanks!