atom / autocomplete-emojis

autocomplete+ emoji autocompletion
MIT License
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Display issues #4

Open rugk opened 9 years ago

rugk commented 9 years ago

That's what it looks in my case: emojidisplaywindows

Curiously the markdown smiley preview looks good anyway: emojidisplaywindowsmarkdown

UI themes: Atom Dark Syntax theme: One Dark Package 2.2.2 Atom 1.0.7 Windows 7

eqot commented 9 years ago

Thank you very much to submit the issue. It seems that markdown emoji (= image element) works but unicode emoji does not. I just verified that there is no problems on my Mac.

Unfortunately I do not have Windows 7 machine and it would be difficult for me to investigate and fix the issue.

So, could you please try to see the settings of this package in Atom, and check if the smiley emoji in README is correctly shown after "Adds unicode emoji (like" like below?

README in atom

If the smiley emoji is broken, unicode emoji is not supported on your environment.

rugk commented 9 years ago

No it does not work there either. smileytest

For testing you could use a virtual machine. Panels or something like this.

BTW I'm not sure how it looks on Linux.

rugk commented 9 years ago

FYI I've just downloaded this test page and opened it in Atom to see whether the characters were displayed right and it worked everything as expected. Here a snippet: unicodetest

eqot commented 9 years ago

I really appreciate those information. It seems that unicode emoji is not supported in Chromium on Windows 7 as Can I Emoji? says...

I will keep seeking any solution or workaround.

rugk commented 9 years ago

BTW the site you linked also provides a link to a Chromium issue: And there it says it was fixed at Dec 12, 2014.

stephen304 commented 9 years ago

Exact same issue here on arch linux. Markdown ones work fine. Both chrome and firefox also seem to render most emojis fine natively.

zeriss commented 8 years ago

Same problem on ubuntu 16.04. Mardown ok but unicode ones are not rendered in the document but visible in the autocomplete frame.

rugk commented 8 years ago

Both chrome and firefox also seem to render most emojis fine natively.

Well... at least Firefox will use Emojione in v50.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@stephen304 The markdown ones work fine because they are images, not unicode characters. You should be able to see the unicode ones too if you install the EmojiOneColor font on your system (I'm on archlinux too and it works): the problem then becomes that Chromium doesn't support the Svg-in-OT technology used by EmojiOne, so the font defaults to some barely readable black-and-white outlines (which look good in the terminal, btw: only in Atom they look horribly)... but at least you get rid of the "tofu" characters.