atom / find-and-replace

Find and replace in a single buffer and in the project
MIT License
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"find in project" does not find all occurences #1131

Open SpaceCyclist opened 3 years ago

SpaceCyclist commented 3 years ago



"Find in project" give not all results: it does not list all files (like CMakeLists) while "Find in buffer" find the missings occurences

Steps to Reproduce

I do not know if it is systematic and reproductable, it appends for results in a cmakelists.txt file in /build/titanmuxcommon-linux/package/CMakeLists.txt when I search for snmp pattern

Expected behavior: The snmp pattern present in CMakeLists.txt must be listed in global project search

Actual behavior: The pattern does not appears

Reproduces how often: Systematic in this project


Atom : 1.50.0 Electron: 5.0.13 Chrome : 73.0.3683.121 Node : 12.0.0



Result of global search imageGlobalSearch

Result in the file, the pattern is finded but not present in global search imageSearchInFile