atom / find-and-replace

Find and replace in a single buffer and in the project
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Replacing in the project uses the captured groups of the first match in all cases #1136

Open msoutopico opened 3 years ago

msoutopico commented 3 years ago



When batch-replacing parts of the text matched by a regular expression which captures some groups, the captured groups of the first instance are used in all occurrences, instead the groups captured in each occurrence. The issue only happens when finding in the project.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Have a text file that includes several strings with a common part, e.g. "000".
  2. Press Cmd+Shift+F to launch replace menu in the project (to replace in all files)
  3. Search for something like (.+)000(.+), where the non-captured part is to be removed.
  4. Replace with $1$2 so as to replace the whole matched string with the captured groups (thus removing the common non-captured part).

Expected behavior:

In every occurrence, the text matched is replaced with the groups captured in that occurrence.

Actual behavior:

In every occurrence, the text matched is replaced with the groups captured in the first occurrence.


Reproduces how often:

Every time.


Atom : 1.51.0 Electron: 5.0.13 Chrome : 73.0.3683.121 Node : 12.0.0

apm 2.5.0 npm 6.14.5 node 10.20.1 x64 atom 1.51.0 python 2.7.16 git 2.11.0

Mac OS X: 10.13.6 (17G14019)

smashwilson commented 3 years ago

Moving this over to the find-and-replace package, as this sounds more relevant there 📬

marehr commented 3 years ago

This is a really annoying bug, can you please fix this?

It worked at some point in time.

msoutopico commented 3 years ago

How is it going? Will this be fixed soon? It's quite a showstopper for me.

second-pair commented 3 years ago

+1 - my symptoms are pretty much the same as those shown in the video from @msoutopico.

heinrichmartin commented 2 years ago

I was about to file the same issue. This looks like a duplicate of #625 that has a nice video embedded, but this issue has the better description.


Simple example

This is a test. This is another test. Wait. Yet another test. And another one. Break. Yet another one. And one more test. More. Yet another one. And another one.

Find: (another|one more) (\w+) Replace: $1 freaky $2 Expected: use reported group per occurrence Experienced: "another freaky test" everywhere


This is my real-world issue, but with data stripped. I am not able to reproduce it with this simplified version, but if it is of actual interest, I am willing to help bisecting.

parameters {
stages {
   stage('foo') {
      steps {
         script {
            switch ("${}") {
               case "debug":
               case "devel":

Find: ^((?: )*) (\S) (indent is 3*n+2) Replace: $1 $2 (add that missing space character) Expected: letters s, L, and b remain as well as the rough indentation Experienced: