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Increasing readability of used terminology through adding a definition table #753

Open LonelySquid opened 2 years ago

LonelySquid commented 2 years ago

Hello Devs!

Why this post? I have a tiny suggestion & question about the Keymaps In-Depth page. Some time ago I installed an sublime-block-comment plugin and I figured out I wanted to change the key binding of that plugin, so I found on the settings page of the plugin and found some information. I did not understand this, for I do not understand what a 'selector' is, and have additionaly still no idea what the 'source' is for too. That is when I searched the flight manual of Atom for additional information, despite me grasping it bit by bit it still feels a kind of messy, so this suggestion is primarily about the centralisation of the key concepts being expressed on the Keymaps In-Depth page to enhance readability.


I hope this feedback helps! Happy 2022, big thumbs up and thank you for reading!


icecream17 commented 2 years ago
  'ctrl-left': 'editor:move-to-beginning-of-word'
  'ctrl-right': 'editor:move-to-end-of-word'
  'ctrl-shift-left': 'editor:select-to-beginning-of-word'
  'ctrl-shift-right': 'editor:select-to-end-of-word'
  'ctrl-backspace': 'editor:delete-to-beginning-of-word'
  'ctrl-delete': 'editor:delete-to-end-of-word'

  'ctrl-alt-[': 'editor:fold-current-row'
  'ctrl-alt-]': 'editor:unfold-current-row'
selector is the similar concept of css selector I made a complicated explanation but decided that the code below explains better. But just know, element = html element html elements define structure, css/less defines style (how elements look). For example, here's the html of this element: ```html

For example, here's the html of this element:

``` And in this case, `atom-text-editor` matches any text-editors within the atom window, right now for me it matches: ```html ... ... ``` Ok too much explanation
css selector:
   <several keybindings>

when any of these elements are focused:
   keyboard combo: does something