atom / fuzzy-finder

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Search file with colon number(`file.js:200`) exceeding files LOC #352

Open artemgurzhii opened 5 years ago

artemgurzhii commented 5 years ago

This can be considered as both feature and bug.

Example project structure

    index.js (file has 100 lines of code)

    index.js (file has 1000 lines of code)

Example when correct:

  1. Press Cmd+T
  2. Type index.js
  3. Result - 2 items are shown: app/components/index.js and app/controllers/index.js

Example when can be improved/fixed:

  1. Press Cmd+T
  2. Type index.js:300(NOTE: Writing :NUMBER sends you directly to this line in the file`
  3. Result - 2 items are shown: app/components/index.js and app/controllers/index.js And what I expect in the second example is too show only app/controllers/index.js file or change their order as file app/components/index.js doesn't have line number 300
