Closed KeithETruesdell closed 6 years ago
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
Atom: 1.28.0 x64 Electron: 2.0.3 OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Thrown From: language-gfm package 0.90.5
Failed to load the language-gfm package settings
At C:\Users\ktruesdell\.atom\packages\language-gfm\settings\gfm.cson: unexpected : in C:\Users\ktruesdell\.atom\packages\language-gfm\settings\gfm.cson [stdin]:6:19: error: unexpected : 'commentStart': '<!-- ' ^ at /packages/language-gfm/settings/gfm.cson:1:1
ask-stack 2.2.0 atom-beautify 0.32.5 atom-bootstrap3 1.2.12 atom-clock 0.1.16 atom-ide-ui 0.12.0 atom-shell-commands 1.5.0 atom-ternjs 0.18.3 atomic-chrome 0.3.3 autoclose-html 0.23.0 autocomplete-cfml 0.5.0 bottom-dock 0.4.4 browser-plus 0.0.98 busy-signal 1.4.3 city-lights-icons 1.1.1 city-lights-ui 1.3.3 color-picker 2.3.0 data-atom 0.29.0 editor-settings 1.1.3 emmet 2.4.3 file-icons 2.1.21 git-blame 1.7.0 git-plus 7.10.2 go-debug 1.6.2 go-plus 5.8.3 highlight-selected 0.13.1 ide-csharp 0.6.2 ide-css 0.3.0 ide-flowtype undefined ide-go 0.7.0 ide-html 0.4.2 ide-json 0.2.1 ide-php 0.7.14 ide-powershell 0.1.0 ide-python 1.0.0 intentions 1.1.5 intentions-colorpicker 1.0.1 intentions-numbers 1.0.4 language-cfml 0.23.0 language-coldfusion 0.1.0 language-markdown 0.26.0 language-powershell 4.0.1 language-vbscript 0.9.0 linter 2.2.0 linter-cflint 0.15.0 linter-csslint 2.0.1 linter-golinter 1.2.2 linter-htmlhint 1.4.0 linter-jshint 3.1.8 linter-php 1.5.1 linter-ui-default 1.7.1 markdown-writer 2.7.4 node-debugger 1.10.1 open-recent 5.0.0 php-analyser 0.2.0 php-debug 0.3.5 pigments 0.40.2 platformio-ide-terminal 2.8.3 project-manager 3.3.6 project-sidebar 1.3.0 quick-query 0.13.0 quick-query-mssql 0.1.5 rest-client 1.3.1 rubber-ducky 1.3.6 script 3.18.1 sync-settings 0.8.6 tasks 2.10.1 teletype 0.13.3 terminal-tab-service 0.1.4 todo-manager 0.2.10 todo-show 2.3.0 toggl 0.6.0 toggler 0.3.1 tortoise-svn 0.5.1 weather 0.15.0
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
Atom: 1.28.0 x64 Electron: 2.0.3 OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Thrown From: language-gfm package 0.90.5
Stack Trace
Failed to load the language-gfm package settings
Non-Core Packages