atom / language-python

Python package for Atom
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toggle comment on folding procedures #258

Open zio-pietro opened 6 years ago

zio-pietro commented 6 years ago



Selecting whole procedure (def line and body) and commenting/uncommenting it works only on unfolded source text. When folded, only def line is commented/uncommented

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Write any python procedure definition (def line and procedure body)
  2. fold it so only def line is visible
  3. comment it - visible line is commented out
  4. unfold it - all body line are still uncommented opposite situation:
  5. as above
  6. comment all proc unfolded -> all lines (def line and body) are commented out
  7. fold it
  8. uncomment folded proc -> visible def line is uncommented
  9. unfold it -> all body lines are still commented out

Expected behavior: Comment/uncomment act on all procedure lines if folded, not only on visible line

Actual behavior: See step to reproduce

Reproduces how often: every time


Atom : 1.26.0 Electron: 1.7.11 Chrome : 58.0.3029.110 Node : 7.9.0 language-python: 0.49.4

Ubuntu 14.04

Additional Information
