atom / language-ruby

Ruby package for Atom
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Methods aren't parsed as syntactic elements #206

Open Wonderer0 opened 7 years ago

Wonderer0 commented 7 years ago


The names of many class methods and instance methods aren't parsed as syntactic elements where they are invoked, and so can't be given their own colours.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create the following Ruby code in Atom editor:
    class MyClass
    def self.class_method
        puts 'Class'
    def inst_method(i)
        puts i

MyClass.class_method an_instance = an_instance.inst_method(99)


2. Open Atom's dev tools and inspect the HTML that displays the code, especially for the line  `an_instance.inst_method(99)`:

···· an_instance . inst_method ( 99 ) ¤¬

**Expected behavior:**
The names of all methods being invoked should have HTML `<span>` elements with `syntax--` classes indicating what they are.

**Actual behavior:**
The method names are bare text in the enclosing `<span class="syntax--source syntax--ruby">` so cannot be distinguished from other Ruby source code.

**Reproduces how often:**
Every time, for all types of method invocation tested, for all methods apart from `new` and some other built in ones.
e.g. `string.chomp` => `<span class="syntax--support syntax--function syntax--kernel syntax--ruby">chomp</span>`
but `string.length` => bare text `length`

### Versions
Atom    : 1.18.0
Electron: 1.3.15
Chrome  : 52.0.2743.82
Node    : 6.5.0
apm  1.18.1
npm  3.10.10
node 6.9.5 x64
visual studio
language-ruby : 0.71.0
Windows 7 Pro x64

### Additional Information

It doesn't parse the method names correctly even though it parses the `.`s that precedes them as method separators and any parentheses that follow them as function separators.