atom / language-shellscript

ShellScript package for Atom
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Shell arithmetic syntax highlight breaks on multiple cases #148

Open leagris opened 5 years ago

leagris commented 5 years ago



Shell arithmetic syntax highlighting breaks on multiple cases:

  1. Base marker base# is treated as a comment marker
  2. When base marker is turned into a comment, the following lines, variables are not highlighted.
  3. Parenthesis in arithmetic expression breaks the (( )) delimiters detection.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Edit the following Bash script:
    #!/usr/bien/env bash
    echo "$((16#ff))"   # base# handled as comment marker
    echo "$((a=16#ff))" # variable highlighted ok
    a=42                # variable highlighted ok
    ((a=42))            # variable not highlighted
    a=42                # variable highlighted ok
    ((a=16#ff))         # variable not highlighted
    a=42                # breaks further highlighting
    a="$((~(-1 << 8)))" # parenthesis highlight broken

Expected behavior:

Same correct highlighting as sample code above as shown in github

Actual behavior:


Reproduces how often:

100% reproducible



Additional Information


rsese commented 5 years ago

Thanks again @leagris :+1: I can reproduce with on macOS 10.12.6 but not sure if this belongs in

For example, I see that the issue with base# has already been reported:

I think that leaves 2 issues from your report, I don't think these have been reported?

((a=42))            # variable not highlighted


a="$((~(-1 << 8)))" # parenthesis highlight broken

I'll see which repo the other maintainers think the issue belongs.

TriMoon commented 4 years ago

I was about to file a bug report for exactly this issue... Please fix asap :wink:

if test 0 -ne $((bDebug & 2#0001)); then

Atom's highlighting/parsing bugs after the hash sign of 2#0001 A simple fix IMHO is to check for digits right infront of the hash sign....

leagris commented 4 years ago

@TriMoon or:

if ((bDebug & 2#0001)); then
  echo 'ok'


((bDebug & 2#0001)) && echo 'ok'

or: Oh! Well, it does not show the bug then!

((bDebug & 1)) && echo 'ok'
TriMoon commented 4 years ago

@leagris is that first example you give using if working on all shells? (eg. bash,zsh,dash,sh) It needs to be shell agnostic... Besides re-coding just to avoid highlighting bugs in some editor is not the way to go :wink:

leagris commented 4 years ago

@TriMoon Stand-alone arithmetic expressions like in 1 are undefined in POSIX but supported everywhere. Base specification with <base>#<number> in arithmetic expressions is undefined in POSIX as well, so I opted to use POSIX undefined stand-alone expressions as well :)

leagris commented 4 years ago

A simple fix IMHO is to check for digits right infront of the hash sign....

The base value can be a variable name, so checking for [:digit:]# would break this way.

The correct fix is to turn-off comments parsing within an arithmetic expression, as there is no comment allowed within it.