atom / one-light-syntax

Atom One light syntax theme
MIT License
68 stars 72 forks source link

Failed to activate the one-light-syntax theme #26

Closed dynamicjpalmazan closed 7 years ago

dynamicjpalmazan commented 7 years ago

[Enter steps to reproduce below:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom Version: 1.12.1 Electron Version: 1.3.6 System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language Thrown From: one-light-syntax package, v1.5.0

Stack Trace

Failed to activate the one-light-syntax theme

At .orange is undefined in C:\Users\Daniel\.atom\packages\flatwhite-syntax\styles\languages\c.less:1:18

LessError: .orange is undefined
  at C:\Users\Daniel\.atom\packages\flatwhite-syntax\styles\languages\c.less:1:18



  "core": {
    "themes": [

Installed Packages

# User
flatwhite-syntax, v0.8.0 (inactive)
atom-dark-syntax, v0.27.0 (inactive)
atom-dark-ui, v0.52.0 (inactive)
atom-light-syntax, v0.28.0 (inactive)
atom-light-ui, v0.45.0 (inactive)
base16-tomorrow-dark-theme, v1.3.0 (inactive)
base16-tomorrow-light-theme, v1.3.0 (inactive)
one-dark-ui, v1.6.2 (inactive)
one-light-ui, v1.6.2 (inactive)
one-dark-syntax, v1.5.0 (inactive)
one-light-syntax, v1.5.0 (inactive)
solarized-dark-syntax, v1.0.5 (inactive)
solarized-light-syntax, v1.0.5 (inactive)
about, v1.7.0 (inactive)
archive-view, v0.62.0 (inactive)
autocomplete-atom-api, v0.10.0 (inactive)
autocomplete-css, v0.13.1 (inactive)
autocomplete-html, v0.7.2 (inactive)
autocomplete-plus, v2.31.4 (inactive)
autocomplete-snippets, v1.11.0 (inactive)
autoflow, v0.27.0 (inactive)
autosave, v0.23.1 (inactive)
background-tips, v0.26.1 (inactive)
bookmarks, v0.42.0 (inactive)
bracket-matcher, v0.82.2 (inactive)
command-palette, v0.39.0 (inactive)
deprecation-cop, v0.54.1 (inactive)
dev-live-reload, v0.47.0 (inactive)
encoding-selector, v0.22.0 (inactive)
exception-reporting, v0.40.0 (inactive)
find-and-replace, v0.202.2 (inactive)
fuzzy-finder, v1.4.0 (inactive)
git-diff, v1.1.0 (inactive)
go-to-line, v0.31.0 (inactive)
grammar-selector, v0.48.2 (inactive)
image-view, v0.60.0 (inactive)
incompatible-packages, v0.26.1 (inactive)
keybinding-resolver, v0.35.0 (inactive)
line-ending-selector, v0.5.0 (inactive)
link, v0.31.2 (inactive)
markdown-preview, v0.158.8 (inactive)
metrics, v1.1.1 (inactive)
notifications, v0.65.1 (inactive)
open-on-github, v1.2.1 (inactive)
package-generator, v1.0.1 (inactive)
settings-view, v0.243.1 (inactive)
snippets, v1.0.4 (inactive)
spell-check, v0.68.4 (inactive)
status-bar, v1.4.1 (inactive)
styleguide, v0.47.2 (inactive)
symbols-view, v0.113.1 (inactive)
tabs, v0.103.0 (inactive)
timecop, v0.33.2 (inactive)
tree-view, v0.210.0 (inactive)
update-package-dependencies, v0.10.0 (inactive)
welcome, v0.35.1 (inactive)
whitespace, v0.35.0 (inactive)
wrap-guide, v0.38.2 (inactive)
language-c, v0.54.0 (inactive)
language-clojure, v0.22.1 (inactive)
language-coffee-script, v0.48.0 (inactive)
language-csharp, v0.12.1 (inactive)
language-css, v0.40.1 (inactive)
language-gfm, v0.88.0 (inactive)
language-git, v0.15.0 (inactive)
language-go, v0.43.0 (inactive)
language-html, v0.46.1 (inactive)
language-hyperlink, v0.16.1 (inactive)
language-java, v0.24.0 (inactive)
language-javascript, v0.122.0 (inactive)
language-json, v0.18.3 (inactive)
language-less, v0.29.6 (inactive)
language-make, v0.22.2 (inactive)
language-mustache, v0.13.0 (inactive)
language-objective-c, v0.15.1 (inactive)
language-perl, v0.37.0 (inactive)
language-php, v0.37.3 (inactive)
language-property-list, v0.8.0 (inactive)
language-python, v0.45.1 (inactive)
language-ruby, v0.70.2 (inactive)
language-ruby-on-rails, v0.25.1 (inactive)
language-sass, v0.57.0 (inactive)
language-shellscript, v0.23.0 (inactive)
language-source, v0.9.0 (inactive)
language-sql, v0.25.0 (inactive)
language-text, v0.7.1 (inactive)
language-todo, v0.29.1 (inactive)
language-toml, v0.18.1 (inactive)
language-xml, v0.34.12 (inactive)
language-yaml, v0.27.1 (inactive)

# Dev
No dev packages
simurai commented 7 years ago

@dynamicjpalmazan Looks like your config somehow ended up with two syntax themes.

It should be fixed if you change the syntax theme in the Settings. Or you can also manually remove the 2nd syntax theme by editing your Config file:

  "core": {
    "themes": [