atom / one-light-syntax

Atom One light syntax theme
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Syntax different in Windows and Linux #45

Closed javajeff18 closed 6 years ago

javajeff18 commented 6 years ago



[Description of the issue]

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Windows has different syntax then Linux
  2. [Second Step]
  3. [and so on...]

Expected behavior: I expect the syntax to be the same in both OSes

Actual behavior: Windows shows the inside of a style as the same color as content.

Reproduces how often: It happens all the time


Atom Version: 1.25.0 one-light-syntax 1.8.2 Windows Version: windows Linux Version: linux

I have the same issue with the one dark syntax. windows-dark

You can get this information from copy and pasting the output of atom --version and apm --version from the command line. Also, please include the OS and what version of the OS you're running.

Additional Information

Any additional information, configuration or data that might be necessary to reproduce the issue. The Windows version does not seem right. It makes it very hard to use when content blends in with code.

Arcanemagus commented 6 years ago

Could you double check that the Linux install is on Atom v1.25.0? language-html was updated to style style elements as CSS code (since they are) in Atom v1.25.0.

javajeff18 commented 6 years ago

You are right. Linux version is 1.24.1. Are you saying that this is going to be a benefit? When styles are the same color as the content, it is very difficult to find anything. Is there a way I can put it back to the way it was? Thanks!

Arcanemagus commented 6 years ago

Support for that was added in, with the idea being that when you are coding you want code to show as code, not text 😉.

I'm marking this as closed since it's not a bug with one-light-syntax but feedback about language-html.

Thanks very much for the report!

javajeff18 commented 6 years ago

I really do not understand your comments. My issue is that the code shows as text. I would like them completely separate colors. I consider a style as part of the code. So the syntax color scheme does not work anymore in one-light or one-dark.

Arcanemagus commented 6 years ago

Please file an issue on language-html then, that has nothing to do with the theme in use.

The change is due to making language-html highlight style="foo" as CSS instead of just text.