atom / one-light-ui

Atom One light UI theme
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Tree view icons color #40

Closed matheusssilva closed 9 years ago

matheusssilva commented 9 years ago

How to change the icons' color on tree view. For me it's green/yellow. I want the same as the example images.

simurai commented 9 years ago

By "example images", do you mean like the screenshots:

screen shot 2015-10-03 at 2 28 23 pm

The icons are:

If you want them to stay dark all the time, you could override it in your styles.less file:

.tree-view .icon::before {
  color: #282929;
matheusssilva commented 9 years ago

This is my color's: captura de tela de 2015-10-03 13 13 41 But, I want like your. That is, I want to change from green to gray, like your. The rules for yellow should remain

This is my styles.less:



// style the background color of the tree view .tree-view { // background-color: whitesmoke; }

// style the background and foreground colors on the atom-text-editor-element itself atom-text-editor { // color: white; // background-color: hsl(180, 24%, 12%); }

// To style other content in the text editor's shadow DOM, use the ::shadow expression atom-text-editor::shadow .cursor { // border-color: red; }

thomasjo commented 9 years ago

You are seeing those green entries because they have not yet been staged and committed to your git repository. Either delete the .git folder if you don't want to version control your code, or stage and commit all those new (green) files.

matheusssilva commented 9 years ago

The solution for my problem is:

status-added{ /Modifica cor de arquivos criados/ color: #575555 !important; }

.status-modified{ /Modifica cor de arquivos modificados/ color: #de4040 !important; }

.list-tree li.list-nested-item[class_='status-modified'] > .list-item { /_Modifica cor de pastas modificadas*/ color: #de4040 !important; }

.list-tree li.list-nested-item[class_='status-added'] > .list-item { /_Modifica cor de pastas adicionadas*/ color: #575555 !important; }

The result is:

captura de tela de 2015-10-04 11 44 29

Thanks you all