Closed DiogoDoreto closed 9 years ago
Can you try running apm featured
from the command line and see if it works?
command doesn't exist. I tried to run ctrl+shift+p
-> Window: Install Shell Commands
but it doesn't show any feedback and seems to not work. Maybe is it related? Or am I missing something?
Same issue but "Unexpected token A"
Windows 7 Professional
@kevinsawicki atm featured
from cmd returns this:
Featured Atom Packages (10)
βββ color-picker Right click or press CMD-SHIFT-C/CTRL-ALT-C to open it. (150481 downloads, 544 stars)
βββ linter Validates your code using linters. (195141 downloads, 772 stars)
βββ merge-conflicts Resolve git conflicts within Atom (45348 downloads, 355 stars)
βββ minimap A preview of the full source code. (158990 downloads, 642 stars)
βββ travis-ci-status Add Travis CI status of the project to the Atom status bar. (14500 downloads, 62 stars)
βββ vim-mode Add vim modal control (89512 downloads, 216 stars)
βββ monokai A monokai theme (148650 downloads, 291 stars)
βββ seti-syntax Seti Syntax - A subtle dark colored theme for Atom. (50298 downloads, 293 stars)
βββ seti-ui A dark colored UI theme for Atom with custom file icons. (84058 downloads, 495 stars)
βββ unity-ui An Atom theme for a more native experience on OS X. (27532 downloads, 73 stars)
but issue still reproduced. And same issue on themes view.
Here are the trace:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token A
at Object.parse (native)
at C:\Users\ErBlack\AppData\Local\atom\app-0.178.0\resources\app\node_modules\settings-view\lib\package-manager.js:61:27
at exit (C:\Users\ErBlack\AppData\Local\atom\app-0.178.0\resources\app\node_modules\settings-view\lib\package-manager.js:43:16)
at BufferedProcess.triggerExitCallback (C:\Users\ErBlack\AppData\Local\atom\app-0.178.0\resources\app\src\buffered-process.js:63:47)
at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Users\ErBlack\AppData\Local\atom\app-0.178.0\resources\app\src\buffered-process.js:85:18)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:119:17)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:1072:12)
@ErBlack what does apm featured --json
return from the command line?
@kevinsawicki here is combed json answer:
"name": "color-picker",
"main": "./lib/ColorPicker",
"version": "1.4.4",
"private": true,
"description": "Right click or press CMD-SHIFT-C/CTRL-ALT-C to open it.",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"license": "MIT",
"engines": {"atom": ">0.50.0"},
"readme": "# A Color Picker for Atom\n\nA color picker for Atom. Either right click a color and select `Color picker`, or hit `CMD-SHIFT-C`/`CTRL-ALT-C` anywhere. Currently reads HEX, HEXA, RGB, RGBA, HSL and HSLA. You can also open the color picker whenever, without input.\n\nInspects Sass/LESS variables! [Take a look here.](\n\n## Preview\n\n![Color Picker in action](\n\n## To do\n\n- Selectable list of the current project color variables\n- Abbreviated color values [(#43)](\n- Uppercase HEX result [(#34)](\n- Improve activation performance [(#42)](\n- Stylus variable lookup [(#4)](\n- Context menu conversions [(#3)](\n- Preview color manipulation functions (lighten, darken) [(#21)](\n",
"readmeFilename": "",
"bugs": {"url": ""},
"homepage": "",
"_id": "color-picker@1.2.1",
"dist": {"shasum": "e5644c3cff6e144bde7202d3a96c5bfa10045574"},
"_resolved": "/var/folders/xs/wnz22zbx1_34gklb182dps4c0000gn/T/d-114731-2481-j8a7xd/package.tgz",
"_from": "/var/folders/xs/wnz22zbx1_34gklb182dps4c0000gn/T/d-114731-2481-j8a7xd/package.tgz",
"dependencies": {},
"downloads": 150698,
"stargazers_count": 545
"name": "linter",
"main": "./lib/init",
"version": "0.11.1",
"private": true,
"description": "Validates your code using linters.",
"repository": "",
"license": "MIT",
"engines": {
"atom": ">=0.175.0",
"node": ">= 0.10.0"
"dependencies": {
"chai": "^1.9.1",
"emissary": "^1.0.0",
"event-kit": "^0.8.1",
"jshint": "^2.4.4",
"lodash": "^2.4.1",
"rimraf": "^2.2.8",
"shelljs": "^0.2.6",
"sinon": "^1.10.0",
"space-pen": "^4.3.3",
"temp": "~0.8.0",
"xregexp": "2.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"biscotto": "^2.1.1",
"grunt": "^0.4.5",
"grunt-coffeelint": "^0.0.10",
"grunt-contrib-clean": "^0.5.0",
"grunt-contrib-coffee": "^0.10.1",
"grunt-contrib-connect": "^0.7.1",
"grunt-contrib-watch": "^0.5.3",
"grunt-exec": "^0.4.5",
"grunt-gh-pages": "^0.9.1",
"grunt-lesslint": "^1.1.3",
"grunt-lintspaces": "^0.5.1",
"load-grunt-tasks": "^0.4.0",
"pygments": "^0.2.0"
"readme": "# Linter\n\n[![Gitter](](\n[![Build Status](](\n\nLint your code with ease in [Atom](\n\n![atom-inline-messages](\n\nThe idea is to stop the linter plugins war, by providing a top level API for linters to parse and display errors in the Atom editor.\n\n## Available linters\n#### for JavaScript\n- [linter-jshint](, for JavaScript and JSON, using `jshint`\n- [linter-jscs](, for JavaScript, using `jscs`\n- [linter-jsxhint](, for JSX (React.js), using `jsxhint`\n- [linter-eslint](, for JavaScript, using `eslint`\n- [linter-gjslint](, for JavaScript, using `gjslint`\n- [linter-flow](, for JavaScript, using `flow`\n\n#### for CoffeeScript\n- [linter-coffeelint](, for CoffeeScript, using `coffeelint`\n\n#### for Typescript\n- [linter-tslint](, for Typescript, using `tslint`\n\n#### for Dart\n- [linter-dartanalyzer](, for Dart using `dartanalyzer`\n\n#### for LiveScript\n- [linter-lsc](, for LiveScript, using `lsc -a`\n\n#### for Ruby and Ruby on Rails\n- [linter-rubocop](, for Ruby and Ruby on Rails, using `rubocop`\n- [linter-ruby](, for Ruby, using `ruby -wc`\n- [linter-erb](, for .erb files, using `erb -x`\n- [linter-haml](, for .haml files, using `haml-lint`\n\n#### for PHP\n- [linter-php](, for PHP using `php -l`\n- [linter-phpcs](, for PHP, using `phpc`\n- [linter-phpmd](, for PHP, using `phpmd`\n\n#### for Python\n- [linter-pylint](, for Python, using `pylint`\n- [linter-pyflakes](, for Python, using `pyflakes`\n- [linter-pep8](, for Python, using `pep8`.\n- [linter-pep257](, for Python, using `pep257`\n- [linter-flake8](, for Python, using `flake8`\n- [linter-pylama](, for Python, using `pylama`\n\n#### for Java\n- [linter-javac](, for Java, using `javac`\n\n#### for CSS / SASS / SCSS / LESS\n- [linter-scss-lint](, for SASS/SCSS, using `scss-lint`\n- [linter-less](, for LESS, using `less`\n- [linter-csslint](, for CSS, using `csslint`\n\n#### for XML\n- [linter-xmllint](, for XML, using `xmllint`\n\n#### for Bash\n- [linter-shellcheck](, for Bash, using `shellcheck`\n\n#### for Scala\n- [linter-scalac](, for Scala, using `scalac`\n\n#### for C / C++\n- [linter-clang](, for C / C++, using `clang`\n- [linter-cpplint](, for C++, using `cpplint`\n\n#### for Lua\n- [linter-lua](, for Lua, using `luac -p`\n- [linter-luacheck]( for Lua, using `luacheck`\n\n#### for Clojure\n- [linter-clojure](, for Clojure, using `clojure`\n\n#### for Puppet\n- [linter-puppet-lint](, for Puppet, using `puppet-lint`\n\n#### for Yaml\n- [linter-js-yaml](, for Yaml, using `js-yaml`\n\n#### for Haskell\n- [linter-hlint](, for Haskell files, using `hlint`\n\n#### for HTML / Bootstrap\n- [linter-bootlint](, for Bootstrap HTML, using `bootlint`\n- [linter-tidy](, for HTML, using `tidy`\n- [linter-htmlhint](, for html, using `htmlhint`\n\n#### for Squirrel\n- [linter-squirrel](, for squirrel, using `squirrel-compiler`\n\n#### for CoDScript\n- [linter-codscriptizer](, for CoDScript, using `codscriptizer -l`\n\n#### for harbour\n- [linter-harbour](, for Harbour, using `harbour`\n\n#### for Rust\n- [linter-rust](, for Rust, using `rustc`\n\n#### for Elixir\n- [linter-elixirc](, for Elixir, using `elixirc`\n\n#### for Erlang\n- [linter-erlc](, for Erlang, using `erlc`\n\n#### for ActionScript/Flash/Flex/AIR\n- [linter-flexpmd](,for ActionScript/Flash/Flex/AIR, using flexpmd\n\n## Features\n\n* **Lint on edit** β Instant error reporting for you! (And it's fast!)\n* **Modular** β You install only the linters you need.\n* **Active** β New linters are out every week.\n\n## Installation\n\n1. `$ apm install linter` β Install the main package.\n2. `$ apm install linter-jshint` β Install the linter you need, here `jshint`.\n\n## Configuration\n\n* **Lint on save** [On / Off] - Lint the file when you save it\n* **Lint on change** [On / Off] - Lint the file as you type\n* **Show highlighting** [On / Off] - Highlight the range of wrong code\n* **Show gutters**: [On / Off] - Show dot in the gutter on line error\n* **Show messages around cursor** [On / Off] - Show error description in the status bar\n* **Show status bar when cursor is in error range** [On / Off] - Either show status bar when the cursor is on the error line, or show it when the cursor is focus the range of wrong code\n* **Show error inline** [On / Off] - Shows the error or warning message next to the code as opposed to in the status bar.\n* **Lint on change interval** [in ms] - Interval between two lints while you are writing code\n\n## Common errors\n\n* `npm ERR! code ENOGIT` - You need to install git before installing linter. See [#114](\n* `env: node: No such file or directory` β There's a problem with your node path β [check this](\n* `spawn ENOENT` or `spawn ENOTDIR` - A linter can't find a path to the executable. Try starting Atom from a shell via `atom` to make sure it gets your `PATH`. See also [#102](, [#150](\n\n## Documentation\n\n\n## Coming soon\n\n- linter-pep257, for python, using `pep257`.\n- linter-rst, for reStructuredText, using `docutils`.\n- linter-phplint, for PHP, using `phplint`.\n- linter-jsl, for JavaScript, using `jsl`.\n- linter-oclitnt, for C / C++ / Objective-C, using `OCLint`.\n\n## Contributing\n\nIf you're going to submit a pull request, please try to follow\n[the official contribution guidelines of Atom](\n\nYou need `nodejs` and `grunt-cli` installed before contributing.\nRun `bower install node` then `npm install -g grunt-cli`.\n\nAlso, run `$ grunt dev` before any submission and while developing, it will achieves severals tasks:\n\n* Compile and lint the CoffeeScript files\n* Lint the stylesheets\n* Lint any trailing spaces and ensure new line at end of file\n\nYou can generate the doc with `$ grunt doc`, it will open in your default browser.\n\n## Donation\n[![Share the love!](](\n\n[![donate-paypal](](\n\n<a class=\"coinbase-button\" data-code=\"2945dab392cb1cefbb7097e4cd17a603\" data-button-style=\"custom_small\" href=\"\">Donate Bitcoins</a><script src=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n",
"downloads": 195515,
"stargazers_count": 772
"name": "merge-conflicts",
"main": "./lib/merge-conflicts",
"version": "1.2.10",
"private": true,
"description": "Resolve git conflicts within Atom",
"contributors": ["Maximilian SchΓΌΓler <>"],
"activationEvents": ["merge-conflicts:detect"],
"repository": "",
"license": "MIT",
"engines": {"atom": ">0.50.0"},
"dependencies": {
"space-pen": "^5.0.1",
"underscore-plus": "1.x"
"readme": "# Merge Conflicts\n\n[![Build Status](](\n\nResolve your git merge conflicts in Atom!\n\n![conflict-resolution](\n\nThis package detects the conflict markers left by `git merge` and overlays a set of controls for resolving each and navigating among them. Additionally, it displays your progress through a merge.\n\n## Features\n\n * Conflict resolution controls are provided for each detected conflict.\n * Choose your version, their version, combinations thereof, or arbitrary changes edited in place as a resolution.\n * Navigate to the next and previous conflicts in each file.\n * Track your progress through a merge with per-file progress bars and a file list.\n * Save and stage your resolved version of each file as it's completed.\n\n## Events\n\nThe merge-conflicts plugin emits a number of events that other packages can subscribe to, if they wish. If you want your plugin to consume one, use code like the following:\n\n```coffeescript\n{CompositeDisposable} = require 'atom'\n\npkg = atom.packages.getActivePackage('merge-conflicts')?.mainModule\nsubs = new CompositeDisposable\n\nsubs.add pkg.onDidResolveConflict (event) ->\n\n# ...\n\nsubs.dispose()\n```\n\n * `onDidResolveConflict`: broadcast whenever a conflict is resolved. `event.file`: the absolute path of the file in which the conflict was found; ``: the total number of conflicts in that file; `event.resolved`: the number of conflicts that are resolved, including this one.\n * `onDidStageFile`: broadcast whenever a file has been completed and staged for commit. `event.file`: the absolute path of the file that was staged.\n * `onDidQuitConflictResolution`: broadcast when you stop merging conflicts by clicking the quit button.\n * `onDidCompleteConflictResolution`: broadcast when all conflicts in all files have successfully been resolved.\n\n## Contributions\n\nContributors are welcome! I'm a big believer in [the GitHub flow](, and the [Atom package contribution guide]( is a solid resource, too.\n\nHere's the process in a nutshell:\n\n 1. Fork it. :fork_and_knife:\n 2. Run `apm develop merge-conflicts` from your terminal to get a clone of this repo. By default, this will end up in a subdirectory of `${HOME}/github`, but you can customize it by setting `${ATOM_REPOS_HOME}`.\n 3. Fix up your remotes. The convention is to have `origin` pointing to your fork and `upstream` pointing to this repo.\n\n Assuming you set up your username using [the local GitHub Config Convention](\n\n ```bash\n $ git config --global github.user your_username\n ```\n\n You can set your remotes up with something like:\n\n ```bash\n cd ${ATOM_REPOS_HOME:-~/github}/merge-conflicts\n git remote rename origin upstream\n git remote add origin`git config github.user`/merge-conflicts.git\n ```\n\n 4. Create a branch and work on your awesome bug or feature! Commit often and consider opening a pull request *before* you're done. Follow the style and conventions of existing code and be sure to write specs!\n 5. Get it merged. Profit :dollar:\n",
"downloads": 45564,
"stargazers_count": 355
"name": "minimap",
"main": "./lib/main",
"version": "4.1.4",
"private": true,
"description": "A preview of the full source code.",
"author": "Fangdun Cai <>",
"contributors": [
"name": "Fangdun Cai",
"email": ""
"name": "CΓ©dric NΓ©hΓ©mie",
"email": ""
"repository": "",
"license": "MIT",
"engines": {"atom": ">=0.177.0"},
"dependencies": {
"mixto": "1.x",
"delegato": "1.x",
"semver": "~2.3.0",
"event-kit": "1.x",
"fs-plus": "2.x",
"underscore-plus": "1.x",
"atom-space-pen-views": ">= 0.20.0"
"readme": "# Minimap package [![Build Status](](\n\nA preview of the full source code.\n\n![Minimap Screenshot](\n\n### Installation\n\n```\napm install minimap\n```\n\n### Features\n\n* Plugin API: Use the plugin generation command and start developing your plugin right away.\n* Decoration API: Use the same API to manage `TextEditor` and `Minimap` decorations.\n* Canvas-based Rendering: Simple, fast and flexible.\n\n### Settings\n\n* `Auto Toggle`: If checked the minimap is toggled on at startup. (default=true)\n* `Display Code Highlights`: If checked the code will be highlighted using the grammar tokens. (default=true)\n* `Display Minimap On Left`: If checked the minimap appears on the left side of editors, otherwise it appears on the ride side. (default=false)\n* `Char Height`: The height of a character in the minimap in pixels. (default=2)\n* `Char Width`: The width of a character in the minimap in pixels. (default=1)\n* `Interline`: The space between lines in the minimap in pixels. (default=1)\n* `Text Opacity`: The opacity used to render the line text in the minimap. (default=0.6)\n* `Display Plugins Controls`: If checked, the minimap plugins can be activated/deactivated from the minimap settings view and a quick settings dropdown will be available on the top right corner of the minimap. **You need to restart Atom for this setting to be effective.** (default=true)\n* `Minimap Scroll Indicator`: Toggles the display of a side line showing which part of the buffer is currently displayed by the minimap. The side line appear only if the minimap height is bigger than the editor view height. (default=true)\n* `Plugins *`: When plugins are installed, a setting is created for each to enable/disable them directly from the minimap settings view.\n* `Use Hardware Acceleration`: If checked the minimap scroll is done using a `translate3d` transform, otherwise the `translate` transform is used. (default=true)\n\nFor instance the following result is obtained by setting a `Char Height` of `1px`:\n\n![Minimap Screenshot](\n\n### Key Bindings\n\nCustomizing Key Bindings:\n\n```cson\n'atom-workspace':\n 'cmd-m': 'minimap:toggle'\n 'ctrl-alt-cmd-m': 'minimap:generate-plugin'\n```\n\n### Hiding Scrollbars\n\nIf you want to hide the default editor scrollbar, edit your `style.less` (Open Your Stylesheet) and use the following snippet:\n\n```css\natom-text-editor .vertical-scrollbar,\natom-text-editor::shadow .vertical-scrollbar {\n opacity: 0;\n width: 0;\n}\n```\n\n### Plugins\n\n#### Plugin Generation Command\n\nUse the `Minimap: Generate Plugin` command available in the command palette or add a binding to the `minimap:generate-plugin` event:\n\n```cson\n'atom-workspace':\n 'ctrl-alt-cmd-m': 'minimap:generate-plugin'\n```\n\n#### Available Plugins\n\nBelow is the list of available plugins so far:\n\n * [Find And Replace](\n * [Git Diff](\n * [Color Highlight](\n * [Highlight Selected](\n * [Selection](\n\n#### Plugins Controls\n\nWhen the `displayPluginsControls` setting is toggled on, plugins activation can be managed directly from the minimap package settings or by using the quick settings dropdown available on the mimimap itself:\n\n![Minimap Screenshot](\n\n### External Documentation\n\n* [Minimap API Documentation](\n* [How to create a minimap plugin?](\n* [Minimap's Decorations API](\n* [Quick Personal Hacks](\n\n### Contributing\n\nThe `minimap` package try to follow the [Atom contribution guidelines](\n\nEspecially, the commits should follow the conventions defined in the *Git Commit Messages* section of the guideline.\n\nThe `CHANGELOG` content is then generated using the [changelog-gen utils](\n\n### Contributors\n\n\n\n### License\n\nMIT\n",
"downloads": 159753,
"stargazers_count": 643
"name": "travis-ci-status",
"main": "./lib/travis-ci-status",
"version": "0.11.2",
"description": "Add Travis CI status of the project to the Atom status bar. ",
"repository": "",
"author": "Tom Bell <> (",
"contributors": ["JosΓ© MagalhΓ£es <> ("],
"license": "MIT",
"engines": {"atom": ">0.50.0"},
"dependencies": {
"atom-space-pen-views": "^2.0.3",
"travis-ci": "^2.0.3"
"readme": "# Travis CI Status [![Build Status](](\n\nAdd Travis CI status of the project to the Atom status bar.\n\n## Installing\n\nUse the Atom package manager, which can be found in the Settings view or run\n`apm install travis-ci-status` from the command line.\n\n## Usage\n\nThe Travis CI build status for your repository will be indicated by the\nclock-arrow icon in the status bar. The icon will appear orange when it's\nrequesting the build status, green if the build was successful and red if the\nbuild failed.\n\nThe build status is updated when the project is first opened in Atom and from\nthen on whenever the \"status\" of the project repository changes. The handling of\nthese events was borrowed from the `` part of the `status-bar`\npackage.\n\n### Travis Pro\n\nYou are able to use this with Travis Pro if you enable it in the settings view.\nYou will also need to generate and set a\n[GitHub API token]( to be able to\nauthenticate with the Travis Pro API.\n\n### Commands\n\nThe following commands are available for users to keymap.\n\n* `travis-ci-status:toggle` - Toggle the status bar entry\n* `travis-ci-status:toggle-build-matrix` - Toggle the build matrix panel\n* `travis-ci-status:open-on-travis` - Open the project on the Travis CI site\n\n## Coming Soon\n\nFeel free to open an issue to discuss potential features to add or improve.\n",
"downloads": 14531,
"stargazers_count": 62
"name": "vim-mode",
"main": "./lib/vim-mode",
"version": "0.31.0",
"description": "Add vim modal control",
"license": "MIT",
"private": true,
"repository": "",
"engines": {"atom": ">0.151.0"},
"dependencies": {
"underscore-plus": "1.x",
"event-kit": "^0.7.2"
"readme": "## Vim Mode package [![Build Status](](\n\nProvides vim modal control for Atom, ideally blending the best of vim\nand Atom.\n\n### Installing\n\nUse the Atom package manager, which can be found in the Settings view or\nrun `apm install vim-mode` from the command line.\n\n### Current Status\n\nSizable portions of Vim's command mode work as you'd expect, including\nmany complex combinations. Even so, this package is far from finished (Vim\nwasn't built in a day).\n\nCurrently, vim-mode requires soft line wraps to be disabled, and has some issues\nwith international keyboard layouts.\n\nIf there's a feature of Vim you're missing, it might just be that you use it\nmore often than other developers. Adding a feature can be quick and easy. Check\nout the [closed pull requests](\nto see examples of community contributions. We're looking forward to yours, too.\n\n### Documentation\n\n* [Overview](\n* [Motions](\n* [Operators](\n* [Windows](\n* [Scrolling](\n\n### Development\n\n* Create a branch with your feature/fix.\n* Add a spec (take inspiration from the ones that are already there).\n* If you're adding a command be sure to update the appropriate file in\n `docs/`\n* Create a PR.\n\nWhen in doubt, open a PR earlier rather than later so that you can receive\nfeedback from the community. We want to get your fix or feature included as much\nas you do.\n\nSee [the contribution guide](\n",
"downloads": 89784,
"stargazers_count": 216
"name": "monokai",
"theme": "syntax",
"version": "0.12.0",
"private": true,
"description": "A monokai theme",
"repository": "",
"license": "MIT",
"engines": {"atom": ">0.39.0"},
"readme": "# Monokai theme\n\nA monokai syntax theme for Atom.\n\nOriginally converted from the [TextMate](\ntheme using the [TextMate bundle converter](\n\n![](\n",
"downloads": 148948,
"stargazers_count": 291
"name": "seti-syntax",
"theme": "syntax",
"version": "0.3.1",
"description": "Seti Syntax - A subtle dark colored theme for Atom.",
"repository": "",
"license": "MIT",
"engines": {"atom": ">0.170.0"},
"readme": "# Seti Syntax\n\nA subtle dark colored syntax theme for Atom. [Seti UI]( also available.\n\n![Screenshot](\n\n\n### Custom Icons\n[ ![Screenshot]( ](_icons/circular/)\n[ ![Screenshot]( ](_icons/rounded/)\n[ ![Screenshot]( ](_icons/squared/)\n",
"downloads": 50605,
"stargazers_count": 293
"name": "seti-ui",
"theme": "ui",
"version": "0.6.3",
"description": "A dark colored UI theme for Atom with custom file icons.",
"license": "MIT",
"repository": "",
"engines": {"atom": ">0.99.0"},
"readme": "# Seti UI\n\nA dark colored UI theme for Atom with custom file icons. [Seti Syntax]( also available.\n\n![Screenshot](\n\n\n### Custom App Icons\n[ ![Screenshot]( ](\n[ ![Screenshot]( ](\n[ ![Screenshot]( ](\n\n### Installation\n\n```\ncd ~/.atom/packages\ngit clone --depth=1\n```\n\n\n### Currently Supported File Icons\n* Bower\n* Coffescript\n* CSS\n* EJS\n* Favicon\n* Grunt\n* Gulp\n* Handlebars\n* HTML\n* Image\n* Jade\n* Javascript\n* JSON\n* Julia\n* Less\n* LICENSE\n* Markdown\n* Mustache\n* PHP\n* Procfile\n* Python\n* React\n* Ruby\n* Sass\n* Stache\n* Stylus\n* Text\n* Typescript\n* XML\n* YML\n",
"downloads": 84321,
"stargazers_count": 495
"name": "unity-ui",
"theme": "ui",
"version": "1.0.7",
"main": "./lib/unity-ui",
"private": false,
"description": "An Atom theme for a more native experience on OS X.",
"repository": "",
"license": "MIT",
"engines": {"atom": ">0.50.0"},
"readme": "# Unity UI\n\nAn Atom theme for a more native experience on OS X\n\n### If you're using Yosemite\n\n![Yosemite](\n\n### If you're using Mavericks\n\n![The Pretty](\n\n## Install\n\nFrom the command line:\n\n```bash\n$ apm install unity-ui\n```\n\nAlternatively, open Atom Preferences, select Themes > Search for `unity`,\nthen Install.\n\nActivate the theme by selecting the Themes section of Preferences.\n",
"downloads": 27622,
"stargazers_count": 73
Looks normal.
@kevinsawicki I tried to use Atom on a 3 different pc and had same issues on each one. So i can't use Atom anywhere.
It may be important: locale of those pc was not English. (it was Russian).
My problem is Atom wasn't using just json, but also getting my cmd autorun settings, like chcp 1252
as the output says Unexpected token A: Active code page: 1252
@GuilhermeHideki, do you solve it?
Sorry for not responding, I solved by erasing my autorun and using a bat to init. Would be better if Atom fails, reparse and ignore things like invalid json array.
@GuilhermeHideki you can add to autorun, chcp 65001 >nul
it make help.
thanks for the tip
I just had the same problem. For anyone using a autoexec
script; remove every command that prints something to the console, aswell as every command that clears it.
I suspect Atom compares it's results to a clean console, because removing the Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10586]
(c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
lines on windows with the cls
command appears to give the same problem.
Another option is to just put > nul after each command to stop it messing up the console, e.g.
chcp 1252 > nul
This has the advantage of working with any node/other app that shells out and parses the results.
This error shows every time a web request is made. Nothing is shown when I click on "Show output...".
I'm using the Windows Alpha version on a Windows 8.1.