atom / snippets

Atom snippets package
MIT License
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Project Based Snippets #286

Closed FelixVicis closed 5 years ago

FelixVicis commented 5 years ago

Having project scoped snippets would be a huge help. Not all snippets that I want to add are for any file, some are only for the current project.

This was discussed in as a comment, but I think it merits its own discussion.

rsese commented 5 years ago

Thanks for splitting off that suggestion :+1:

We haven't updated this repository's issue templates yet but you can see from the atom/atom template that we're currently very unlikely to work on feature requests at the moment, especially when it's possible that a package could provide that functionality. For example, though it doesn't seem to work with 1.34.0 (or I may have misunderstood how it works), it looks like there was a package that provided project based snippets at one point (

So while I can definitely see how useful project based snippets could be, we're going to close this since it's not something the team would prioritize and the functionality could be provided through a package.

FelixVicis commented 5 years ago

Thanks for letting me know. I've tried modular snippets, but almost lost my current snippets due to a misunderstanding. I was hoping for something more official.