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go-to-declaration not working for #define'ed variables #114

Open ssfrr opened 9 years ago

ssfrr commented 9 years ago

I have the following entry in my ctags file

DECA_PAN_ID src/DW1000.c    73;"    d   file:

but if I put my cursor over a usage of DECA_PAN_ID and run go-to-declaration nothing happens.

This is with symbols-view 0.99.0

Tyguy7 commented 9 years ago

Having similar troubles with ctags.

mshenfield commented 8 years ago

The issue is that symbols-view inadvertently expects there to be patterns included in your generated ctags. This is the default behavior for running ctags (you can also explictly set it with the -F, or --excmd=pattern options). It looks like you are running ctags with the number option (-n or --excmd=number), e.g ctags -R -n.

A tag file with patterns instead of numbers looks something like this

DECA_PAN_ID src/DW1000.c /^#define DECA_PAN_ID /;" d file:

The code that expects this is here. When no actual pattern is present in the ctags file, node-ctags interprets the number (e.g. 73;") as the pattern and is never able to match it a full line of text in the symbol's file.

This package should expect and accept both. The shortest path to this would be to check if tag.pattern and tag.lineNumber represent the same number, and if so create a Point based on line number instead of pattern. e.g.

getTagLine: (tag) ->
    # Remove leading /^ and trailing $/
    pattern = tag.pattern?.replace(/(^^\/\^)|(\$\/$)/g, '').trim()

    # `ctags -excmd=number`, giving line numbers instead of patterns to locate
    # symbols. The line number is being interpreted as a pattern by node-ctags
    return new Point(tag.lineNumber - 1, 0) if tag.lineNumber is parseInt(pattern)

    return unless pattern
    file = path.join(, tag.file)
    return unless fs.isFileSync(file)
    for line, index in fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8').split('\n')
      return new Point(index, 0) if pattern is line.trim()
franklinrt commented 6 years ago

I'm having the same issue with #define in C. When clicking Go To Declaration on the usage of the define nothing happens. Here's what ctags generated. It's using patterns.

MY_VAR include/my_file.h /^#define MY_VAR /;" d

I am generating the tags file using ctags -R --excmd=pattern .