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Project has no tags file or it is empty #116

Open Tyguy7 opened 9 years ago

Tyguy7 commented 9 years ago

I generated a ctags file in OSX using ctags -R .. Atom read the ctags and everything worked. I closed my computer and went home.

Next morning I open up atom and try to use ctags and I get the message:

Project has no tags file or it is empty.

The tags file was there. I decided to delete and recreate the tags file, but that doesn't fix it.

Atom 1.0.2 has simply stopped reading the ctags file for no apparent reason.

NuclearCookie commented 9 years ago


Tyguy7 commented 9 years ago

Still trying to figure this out. Atom completely unresponsive to my attempts to refresh / use existing ctags

mshenfield commented 8 years ago

Did this ever get resolved for you, with later versions of Atom or symbols-view? There are a couple of commits since then I could see effecting this:

Replace Q with native Promise Replace pathwatcher with atom File

dperetti commented 7 years ago

This drives me crazy. 2017 now.

maxflex commented 6 years ago

2018 – still «Project has no tags file or it is empty»