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Associate language-oracle files to SQL #134

Open tschf opened 8 years ago

tschf commented 8 years ago

ctags supports PL/SQL.

  1. PL/SQL

And also, looking at the source (one of the source clones on GitHub):, it refers to Oracle PL/SQL.

 *  On-line "Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference":
 *  Sample PL/SQL code is available from:
 *  On-line SQL Anywhere Documentation

When running clang --list-languages, it seems to fall under SQL. And it seems to map only to the sql extension, as from:

$ ctags --list-maps | grep SQL
SQL      *.sql

And indeed, if I have a file test.sql witth the following:

create or replace package body p1

    type t_1 is table of number;

    procedure bar()
    end bar;

end p1;

Atom currently picks up the tags:

However, using another file extension, it misses out (as you would expect based on the previous info):


Recently, the language-oracle package was created, so I think now we could associate all files falling under that grammar to Sql?

After this change, all tags are properly picked up in the symbols view.

(on a side note, ctags doesn't currently pick up functions/procedures in a package spec - no as or end seems to be the trigger that it's looking for)