atom / symbols-view

Jump to symbols in Atom
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Issues #178 and #174 . "Symbol not found" due to 1) issue with escape char in tag 2) default ctags missing ES2015-style function definition #179

Open dperetti opened 8 years ago

dperetti commented 8 years ago

Not just leading and trailing regex chars must be removed. Ex: /^ myFunction() { \/\/ a comment $/ Fixes :

Make default ctags file more ES2015 friendly. Fixes

dperetti commented 8 years ago

Hmm ok if we disable ctags default function search for javascript we get this : screen shot 2016-06-06 at 16 04 10

... instead of this ...

screen shot 2016-06-06 at 16 02 47

... and the test doesn't pass.

But if we keep using it we have more important issues (bogus results).

Any thought ?

Servinjesus1 commented 4 years ago

Any updates on this?