atom / symbols-view

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No symbols when viewing file from teletype session #238

Open joaomlneto opened 6 years ago

joaomlneto commented 6 years ago



When viewing a remote file from a teletype session, there are no symbols.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Start a teletype session on host
  2. Connect to the teletype session on guest
  3. Open file (with symbols) on host
  4. Check file's symbols on guest

Expected behavior: The list of symbols should be the same on both sides.

Actual behavior: No symbols exist on guest.

Reproduces how often: 100%


Session Host : Debian 8 "Jessie" GNU/Linux 3.16.7 x86_64
Atom         : 1.23.3
Electron     : 1.6.15
Chrome       : 56.0.2924.87
Node         : 7.4.0
apm          : 1.18.12
npm          : 3.10.10
node         : 6.9.5 x64
atom         : 1.23.3
python       : 2.7.9
git          : 2.1.4

Session Guest: macOS 10.13.2 "High Sierra"
Atom         : 1.23.3
Electron     : 1.6.15
Chrome       : 56.0.2924.87
Node         : 7.4.0
apm          : 1.18.12
npm          : 3.10.10
node         : 6.9.5 x64
atom         : 1.23.3
python       : 2.7.10
git          : 2.14.3

Additional Information

Added screenshot: Host on the left, Guest on the right. You can also see there's no symbols using the symbols-tree-view package (the rightmost column on each window). I already opened an issue ( with them, but decided to open another one here since the package has little activity.

screen shot 2018-01-21 at 12 58 02

jasonrudolph commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue. :bow:

I think this issue is caused by the fact that the guest's buffers are not persisted to disk.

As far as I can tell, symbols-view seems to only generate symbols for files that are persisted to disk. For example, if you create a new buffer, symbols-view doesn't show any symbols for the buffer until you save the buffer to disk:


From a teletype perspective, this is similar to the issue reported when attempting to run a linter on a remote buffer ( There's a good chance that resolving that issue would resolve this issue as well.

However, in the meantime, if there's a way to make symbols view work with buffers that haven't been persisted to disk, that would likely resolve this issue for teletype guests and it would allow symbols-view to generate symbols for the scenario shown in the gif above as well.

creeloper27 commented 5 years ago

Can someone fix this pls? I heavily use teletype and not being able to use this plugin is really sad :(