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Bad keybindings for go-to-declaration and return-from-declaration on Linux #83

Open kankaristo opened 9 years ago

kankaristo commented 9 years ago

The keybindings for go-to-declaration and return-from-declaration don't work for most Linux desktop environments (Gnome, Unity, etc.), because they are commonly used to change between workspaces.

Something like alt-up and alt-down would work, and as far as I know, it doesn't seem to be bound to anything else.

As a related, but separate issue, why is there a different keybinding for going to / returning from the declaration?

I would have changed the keybinding to F2 for both (which is what Qt Creator uses), but the package doesn't have a keymaps directory...

Globegitter commented 9 years ago

I can confirm that this package does not work for me on Linux. I created a .TAGS file (empty). And clicking ctrl+alt+downdoes not do anything on any of my functions. Even when trying to create my own keymap.cson it does not work.

I think it would also be great to support ctrl+click (on linux).

SPYFF commented 9 years ago

Any solution for the problem?

My keymap.cson:

'.platform-linux atom-text-editor':
  'ctrl-shift-y': 'symbols-view:go-to-declaration'

'.platform-linux atom-text-editor':
  'ctrl-shift-x': 'symbols-view:return-from-declaration'

Interesting: return back from declaration is working, but go to declaration not.

ferdynice commented 8 years ago

Not sure how many people use the vertical workspaces. My guess is not many, since most default installations only have workspace arranged in horizontal manner.

It is pretty easy to remove the keybindings from the OS.

kankaristo commented 8 years ago

@ferdynice, Gnome only has vertical workspaces by default.

yuankaiz commented 8 years ago

@spyff try change keymap.cson like this:

'.platform-linux atom-text-editor':
  'ctrl-shift-y': 'symbols-view:go-to-declaration'
  'ctrl-shift-x': 'symbols-view:return-from-declaration'
SPYFF commented 7 years ago

@yuankaiz Thanks!