atom / tabs

Tabs in Atom
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Smooth tabs animations #132

Open martpie opened 9 years ago

martpie commented 9 years ago

Hey guys,

I miss smooth animations (like Chrome/Sublime...) for closing/moving tabs.

I didn't take a serious look at atom/tabs and how animations could work (if it even can ?), but I think I can handle that.

simurai commented 9 years ago

I think it could, but the implementation would need some changes. Currently it uses flexbox. It can be animated, but I think performance is not that great. Another issue is that when closing a tab, the tab gets removed immediately from the DOM. To have it animated, the removing would need to be delayed.

What might work:

Related: Animating the tree-view

martpie commented 9 years ago

Thanks for these advices @simurai, I'll be working on that tonight.

simurai commented 9 years ago

Good to hear.

Something else that came to mind. It might be tricky with all the different themes that can have different styling. Or if you change the width of the tabs in styles.less, the positioning would need to get updated too. Not sure if there is a good way to detect changes like that. I guess that's the nice thing about flexbox that it's all automatic.

alexandernst commented 8 years ago

Any news on this one?

martpie commented 8 years ago

Not really from my side, I'm a bit busy these times, I will try to have a look anyway