atomaka / railschallenge-city-watch

Our first challenge! Build a JSON API for managing your city's emergency services.
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Judges' feedback #1

Open ghost opened 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

Placeholder issue for judges' feedback.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Verified score of 114 points on the automated scoring, based on the current master branch.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Models and DB:



Thanks for your participation in the challenge and good luck in final scoring!

atomaka commented 9 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to review my solution!

I've corrected the extraneous column; it was left over from earlier work where I considered using id over code as they key.

As far as I can tell, responders.clear is not destructive and should only remove the association. I confirmed this with a pry before and after the posts in the dispatch test file, verifying that Responder.all.count remained unchanged. Have I misunderstood your note?

ghost commented 9 years ago

If you've confirmed it with pry then that's good enough for me, especially since it passes the tests.

Thanks for the follow up.

ghost commented 9 years ago

:trophy: Congrats on placing a very close 2nd in the first railschallenge!

You had the best dispatch component (the hardest single component) according to the judges. We'd like to invite you to write up something about your approach to the dispatch code, as well as your overall approach, to be included in the feedback for all participants.

Please reach out to us at

ghost commented 9 years ago

Your individual score breakdown:

311.5 points total

You were unfortunately edged out of 1st place by the bonus points awarded to @sb8244 for this pull request, a very small collaborative code bonus that we didn't expect to alter the outcome of the contest. So, really 1st and 2nd place were decided by a spread of just 3.5 points. Your amazing work on the dispatch code, which will be highlighted in our writeup, was superb and deserves special recognition since it was the most difficult part of the challenge. All of the judges commented on your clean, minimal code. I'd hire you in a heartbeat (if we were hiring).

Really outstanding job.