atomfrede / generator-jhipster-swagger2markup

JHipster module to create static api docs with swagger2markup
Apache License 2.0
40 stars 15 forks source link

The wiki is not cleaaaaaaar!! #21

Closed shmersy closed 7 years ago

shmersy commented 7 years ago

INFO] --- asciidoctor-maven-plugin:1.5.3:process-asciidoc (output-html) @ GUI --- io/console not supported; tty will not be manipulated asciidoctor: WARNING: overview/workflow.adoc: line 40: no callouts refer to list item 1 asciidoctor: WARNING: overview/workflow.adoc: line 42: no callouts refer to list item 2 asciidoctor: WARNING: index.adoc: line 5: include file not found: C:/Users/a644583/git/MooseSpirit1/MOOSeSpirit/GUI/target/docs/asciidoc/paths.adoc asciidoctor: WARNING: index.adoc: line 6: include file not found: C:/Users/a644583/git/MooseSpirit1/MOOSeSpirit/GUI/target/docs/asciidoc/definitions.adoc

-Do I need to run tests to generate the docs and pdf????? can you write more phrases if you don't want I'll write it for you

pascalgrimaud commented 7 years ago

You should go to the real wiki from the official project:

This project is simply a module, to integrate the official asciidoctor.

And please remember we are doing this for free in our free time.

atomfrede commented 7 years ago

Thanks @pascalgrimaud

Btw, looking at the readme you'll find

The html or pdf generation is bound to the install lifecycle phase. The swagger2markup creation is not bound to any phase, therefore you must create it explicitly during the test phase and process the swagger file:

mvnw test swagger2markup:convertSwagger2markup install

So for me its quite clear what to execute. If you are using jhipster 4 there might be sime issues as I did not update the module yet. I will try to update it as soon as possible, but my time is limited, so if you would like to test it and maybe provide a pull request for things not working please go ahead.