atomic14 / diy-esp32-epub-reader

An ESP32 e-reader
MIT License
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problems during building #89

Closed lionlggnd closed 1 year ago

lionlggnd commented 1 year ago

i can't build the project on studio code i clone git but every time i try to build the project the command line comes up with errors of some kind. Steps: 1) I open SC 2) I click on the platformio menu and open the home screen 3) select open folder on homepage, select the folder downloaded from git 4) project opens, after that i open the platformio icon again, click lilygo - build 5) numerous errors come out during the construction phase, especially on the non-recognition of dependencies and #include tags.

How can I do? Alternatively, can you provide me the pre-compiled binaries for lilygo? Thank you.

the explanation on how to build from the wiki is very vague, if someone can provide a more detailed explanation, even with the description of each step.

martinberlin commented 1 year ago

Are you selecting the right enviroment in the platformio.ini file? Select the lilygo_t5_47 default option and try again. It builds correctly for me.

Maybe you have an older version of Espressif platform? Try to update that and try again.

lionlggnd commented 1 year ago

martinberlin commented 1 year ago

Wait! But you need to run:

pio run -t menuconfig

In a terminal there in Platformio and setup the Display and board in components > epdiy Otherwise how your Firmware will be aware of what display /board you are using?

in-fluxed commented 1 year ago

I had the same problem when I downloaded project as a zip. If I used git it builds successfully.

cgreening commented 1 year ago

Yes, you need to clone using git with the --recursive flag otherwise it won't build at all.

git clone --recursive