atomicbird / CDMoveDemo

Demo app for backing up and restoring Core Data persistent stores
MIT License
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It's not working when enable iCloudKit #1

Closed AlwaysBee closed 1 year ago

AlwaysBee commented 1 year ago

Hi Tom, sorry to bother you again. When I run this demo, every thing worked fine. But when I enabled the iCloud, and add some data, then I can see the same data in iCloud Developer Dashboard.


  1. Tap the backup button
  2. Delete some data
  3. Tap the restore button, and All deleted data came back.

It looks OK until I relaunch the App, the data I deleted in Step 2 just disappear.

What I can found some useful info from the Debug Area in Xcode are:

CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate tearDown:]_block_invoke(806): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x28321c540>: Told to tear down with reason: Store Removed

It showed after I tap the restore button.

So I think this will leading the iCloud Syncing stop, then the backup data did not synced to iCloud.

I also tried the migratePersistentStore version, but it has the same issue.

Of cause, I can delete all data of the App store in iCloud before restore to avoid this issue.

atomicbird commented 1 year ago

I haven't tested this project with CloudKit and I have no idea what to expect with CloudKit enabled. I'm sure it complicates things, since it adds a cloud store in addition to the local store, but I don't know how to resolve that.