atomiclabs / hyperdex

Grandma-Friendly Atomic Swaps
MIT License
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stuck swaps should get ability to be kickstarted #626

Open jorian opened 4 years ago

jorian commented 4 years ago

Describe the feature

Stuck swaps are in a state where funds are still in a temporary address, but are eligible for spending. Often, this happens when the user has closed the app during a swap, or network issues prevented a successful spending of funds in this temporary address.

There exists a RPC that handles the recovery of stuck funds, see here.

In the Open Orders section, there could/should be a button kickstart that allows a user to kickstart a trade that is pending or at a certain step in the swap procedure.


Or otherwise a kickstart button in the details section of a swap, where it's possible to see at what stage a trade is in:
