atomiclabs / hyperdex

Grandma-Friendly Atomic Swaps
MIT License
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The COQUI balance is not up to date #639

Open notooth1 opened 4 years ago

notooth1 commented 4 years ago


I have 0.1 COQUI at the address RTdPu16FBA4aoSdevhnPe6pBw3EQ8CKRU6, but Hyperdex says 0 COQUI in my wallet. Can anyone help?

HyperDEX 0.4.0 Electron 4.0.1 linux 4.19.0-8-amd64 Locale: en-US

jorian commented 4 years ago

COQUI hardforked a while ago and since this app hasn't been updated in a while, the old parameters are still used.

We'll put it on the list when this app gets a re-release.