atomicobject / objection

A lightweight dependency injection framework for Objective-C
MIT License
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Build is broken on XCode 6.4 #95

Closed jdewind closed 9 years ago

plu commented 9 years ago

I started working on it here:

plu commented 9 years ago

After forcing Travis to use Xcode 6.4 and updating Quick and Nimble to their latest master, the build is working. But two tests are red:

I've also added xcpretty for better readability on Travis :). I'll now have a look into the failing tests. I just wonder why they are failing now, but are green before my changes. This really is weird, isn't it?!

plu commented 9 years ago

I think the tests went wrong in 644b27aad9809c5523b8393f885e8dc3de47d84d:

diff --git a/Specs/BasicUsageSpecs.m b/Specs/BasicUsageSpecs.m
index 9048c99..b700668 100644
--- a/Specs/BasicUsageSpecs.m
+++ b/Specs/BasicUsageSpecs.m
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ it(@"calls awakeFromObjection when injecting dependencies into properties of an

     [[JSObjection defaultInjector] injectDependencies:car];

-    assertThatBool([car awake], equalToBool(YES));
-    assertThatBool([car.engine awake], equalToBool(YES));
+    assertThatBool([car awake], isTrue());
+    assertThatBool([car.engine awake], isFalse());

 it(@"defaults to returning a new instance", ^{
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ it(@"calls awakeFromObjection when an object has been constructed", ^{
       id engine = [[JSObjection defaultInjector] getObject:[Engine class]];
       id car = [[JSObjection defaultInjector] getObject:[Car class]];

-      assertThatBool([engine awake], equalToBool(YES));
-      assertThatBool([car awake], equalToBool(YES));
+      assertThatBool([engine awake], isTrue());
+      assertThatBool([car awake], isFalse());
plu commented 9 years ago

Build is green, I'll make a pull request.