atomizer / muledump

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Vault Layout. #106

Open RiiggedMPGH opened 8 years ago

RiiggedMPGH commented 8 years ago

Deca updated the vault, it is now 60 instead of 35 vaults. I tried fixing it myself, got a little progress done but I can't finish it, so hopefully you can.

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

Sheesh, really?? Jeez. I'll try addressing Sil3x directly to see if we can get some light on this. Otherwise, we'll have to get this figured out via trial and error. (it took long enough to get it updated correctly when it was 25 -> 35...)

EDIT: Link here, in case they reply. Otherwise, we'll just have to make do with community contributions to figure it out ourselves.

Odexalagnia commented 8 years ago

Does anyone has good/ better idea for making the new vault look?

This is what I made myself, but It is so big and I had to unzoom my page :\ thanks :)

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

Oh lord, is that how they look ingame now? Vaults sure are getting complex...

atomizer commented 8 years ago

Split it in the middle and display left half above right half? Anyway that's secondary, we still need the id to position mapping.

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

Position mapping aside, I'm beginning to wonder if we'd be better-served doing a zoomed-out display (scaled down) that expands on hover, or some other similar method to conserve space with all of these vaults.

Odexalagnia commented 8 years ago

I had the idea of making something like that works in Google Maps. You could drag with mouse to move yourself in order to see your vault unscaled.

Masterdo commented 8 years ago

Another issue is that they changed it a few times over the last 2 days.. I will likely buy from 36 to 60, and would be ok with registering the unlock order (and contribute to the trial and error to figure out the first 36), but it seems like they are still likely to change it again.

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

If you could record the way your unlocked vaults change from 36 -> 60, that would be immensely helpful already. If they change the vault layout again (which I do understand seems rather likely), we'll have to make do and get it fixed again. At some point, it would be nice if we could get a rapport established with one of the Deca devs for things like this, though based on their established mule policy (not favorable, but not outright against them), they may not be willing to divulge such information freely.

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

On the bright side, if anyone has exactly 35 vaults unlocked (old max), we can plot those out now pretty easily.

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

So, the current vault schema (which is hopefully going to stay as-is for now is as follows: (assume indeces with hyphens are empty spaces without vaults)

[--, --, --, --, xx, xx,     xx, xx, --, --, --, --,
 --, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx,     xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, --,
 xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx,     xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx,
 xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx,     xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx,
 xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx,     xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx,
 --, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx,     xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, --]

From what I can see of my own vaults unlocked, this is the ordering for the first 31 vaults:

[--, --, --, --, xx, xx,     xx, xx, --, --, --, --,
 --, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx,     xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, --,
 xx, xx, xx, 28, 24, 18,     19, 25, 29, xx, xx, xx,
 xx, xx, 27, 21, 14, 10,     11, 15, 22, 30, xx, xx,
 xx, xx, 23, 13, 07, 04,     05, 08, 16, 26, xx, xx,
 --, 31, 17, 09, 03, 01,     02, 06, 12, 20, xx, --]
RiiggedMPGH commented 8 years ago

It's been announced officially that MuleDump is no longer against the ToS or whatever, and in fact they are "supporting" it, so I wouldn't be surprised if Sil3x or another GM/Dev helps out with the order.

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

Source? I'd love to comment on that where the GMs/devs might actually see it.

RiiggedMPGH commented 8 years ago

I was told in a Skype group chat and they linked a Reddit post by Sil3x I believe but I never copied the link, I'll try looking for it.

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

Thanks, much appreciated.

bic81394 commented 8 years ago

Is there any progress being made on this issue? I am asking since I know there has also not yet been an update for the new ring and I guess the skin(s) as well? I have decent CSS experience, some javascript, and so on. Maybe I can help? I have currently 36 vaults unlocked (the previous max + the free one). What do I need to do to help? I can draw a layout for the current 36 vaults I have if needed, matching them to what one is displayed on the dump? I will probably do that later today regardless to help out, but I wanna know what needs to be done to get this project up to date for the growing playerbase. :)

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately, not much can be done until we know the new vault ordering for sure. The missing items should be raised as a separate issue though.

bic81394 commented 8 years ago

Well that certainly is unfortunate. I didn't want to create a new issue, just because I am sure it is in the works and will likely happen eventually. Is there any way that we here can speed up the process of getting the ordering/ID's from DECA, like should we send support tickets on atomizer/muledumps behalf, or should we post up on reddit looking for contact. Just hoping to help get things moving along is all.

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

Having a separate issue for missing items is useful since it can be addressed separately and directly by @atomizer, since he's the one with the right data to actually insert that.

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

Someone on Reddit claims to have the full layout figured out; I'll check it later, but just making a note of it here: