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Implement automatic item metadata updates #110

Open atomizer opened 8 years ago

atomizer commented 8 years ago

Use files in

Nightfirecat commented 7 years ago

Out of curiosity, is that site updated manually or automatically? (If manually, how frequently does that happen?)

Just hoping that this wouldn't offload the burden of updating sprites to the administrator/maintainer of that site. :)

atomizer commented 7 years ago

It is automatic, at least as long as the client swf structure doesn't change.

Nightfirecat commented 7 years ago

Excellent. I think I'll try to start putting some code together for this.

Nightfirecat commented 7 years ago

I think I've got most of the pieces together, but I'm not sure how renders.png is generated... An outline and blur around each of the objects, obviously, but is there some specific algorithm for their generation? (would prefer to render identically to what we have now)

Nightfirecat commented 7 years ago

@atomizer Ping. Alternately, would it be possible to generate renders on That would greatly reduce client-side render processing demands.