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Account Not Working #88

Closed LeeKevinM97 closed 8 years ago

LeeKevinM97 commented 8 years ago

I tried Kabam code and it doesn't work correctly. TypeError: document.getElementsByName(...).item(...) is null That is what it returns.

Also, the Kongregate code worked for both of my accounts, but for one of them it says: Account credentials not valid when I try to use muledump.

I know I took the right steps because one account works and the other doesn't. I recently transferred from Kongregate to Kabam, is that an issue?

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

What line of what file is that error reported from?

LeeKevinM97 commented 8 years ago

I don't understand what that means, that's just what it returns when I copy paste the code into the console.

LeeKevinM97 commented 8 years ago

Do these characters have something to do with the issue? This: _ This: - I tried 3 accounts, 1 works, and the other two were transferred from Kongregate to Kabam and both contain the above characters in the password.

LeeKevinM97 commented 8 years ago

document.location.href = 'http://' + '' + document.getElementsByName("signed_request").item(0).value TypeError: document.getElementsByName(...).item(...) is null

This is what I get when I try from Kabam.

LeeKevinM97 commented 8 years ago

untitled untitled2

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

Ah, my mistake - I understand what you mean now. You have to run that code while on the Kabam Realm of the Mad God page:

LeeKevinM97 commented 8 years ago

Okay, so I still have the problem. My account is originally from Kongregate, therefore, I can't use it from the Kabam website. I can only play from the following two links.

So i got my GUID and Secret from the Kongregate website, but it's giving me the account credentials not valid. I did this multiple times, so I am 100% sure i'm performing this task correctly.

Has anyone else done this with Kongregate transferred accounts?

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

So let me understand this -- you migrated from a Kongregate account to use a web account? Thus, you have a normal email/password combination which you can use to log in from Try using that instead.

LeeKevinM97 commented 8 years ago

That is correct, but on the wiki there's no console code for

LeeKevinM97 commented 8 years ago

I can retrieve GUID and Secret from using Kongregate but it gives me the "Account Credentials Not Valid" message when I run muledump.

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

Re-read my last comment — try using the email/password combination you would use to log in to directly instead of using the Kongregate credentials method.

LeeKevinM97 commented 8 years ago

Oh okay right now im traveling back to my house from college thanks for your help. I'll tell you when I try it.

LeeKevinM97 commented 8 years ago

Using the direct email/password combination did work. Thank you! In case other people have confusion too, maybe this should be added to the wiki?

Nightfirecat commented 8 years ago

From what I remember, I thought it was pretty clear, but I'll revisit them tomorrow and make any necessary edits to make sure that's the case.

atomizer commented 8 years ago

Looks like this is resolved.