atomone-hub / genesis

genesis for AtomOne
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Fund a central support team for all chains which launch on cosmosone and hub only. to route IBC transactions #44

Open tintin2828 opened 8 months ago

tintin2828 commented 8 months ago

Fund a central support team for all chains which launch on cosmosone and hub only. to route IBC transactions

  1. HUB only to route IBC transactions will generate a lot of $$ and could be used for growth, support and reward users
  2. A central support/growth team for atomone ecosystem could be required
jaekwon commented 8 months ago
  1. As in external blockchains that IBC peg to Cosmos?
  2. Devrels and support.
tintin2828 commented 7 months ago

Would ATOM1 allow new chains to be launched and have its own ecosystem ? If that is the case and they connect via IBC and externally to current cosmos and beyond. If this scenario is correct then instead of using external relayers the atom1 hub is used to route transactions or has the ability to route.