atomone-hub / genesis

genesis for AtomOne
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META - High-Level Roadmap with DAG(s) #50

Open moul opened 7 months ago

moul commented 7 months ago

The purpose of this issue is to reference and update high-level DAGs that can serve as indexes for navigating topics, like Compendium (#42).

Moderator (@atomone-hub/mod) who have write permissions should keep the top-level DAGs updated according to the comments below. This allows anyone to suggest changes, ensuring that the DAGs are always up to date.

Eras / Milestones

    title AtomOne Hub Milestones
    Phase 1 - Pre-IBC               : Define Constitution
                                                : Launch Governance-Only Chain
    Phase 2 - Post-IBC          : $PHOTON with Auto-Staking
                                                : Fix Validator Incentives
                                                : Implement ICS1.5
                                                : Prototypes with SubDAOs (including GNO)
    Phase 3 - ICS1.5 Scaling    : Migrate $PHOTON to ICS
                                                    : Promote Smart Contract Use Cases
                                                    : Develop Scalable Validator Infrastructure
                                                    : Develop Recovery Procedures
    Phase 4 - Maintenance       : Create OnChain Education Curriculum
                                                : Promote Good Forks and Projects
                                                : Promote Other Common Goods
                                                : Finalize the Software

AtomOne Phase 1 - Pre-IBC's Tasks (current focus)

Phase 1 High-Level Roadmap. Please include links to issues, preferably a single meta issue, whenever available.

graph LR
    A[Licensing & Legal] --> B[Define Constitution]
    C[Documentation & Resources] --> B
    D[Constitutional Development] --> B
    E[Feedback & Governance] --> B
    F[Technical & Security] --> B
    G[Recovery & Compliance] --> B
    H[Other Tasks] --> B

    I[Prepare Genesis] --> J[Launch Governance-Only Chain]
    K[Prepare Software] --> J
    L[Run Testnets] --> J
    M[Prepare Mainnet Launch] --> J

    B --> N[Phase 1]
    J --> N
jaekwon commented 7 months ago

I'd rather have the TODOs in the readme, though I like your organization strategy. This way while we develop the "whitepaper" anyone who prints it can already see what is left to do, without having to click any link. I can enforce that the TODOs will all be complete by atomically pushing PRs too. I cannot enforce the same easily through community moderated issues. For example: missed one: "Subsidize relayers and require payment for every IBC tx" We can mirror it. Good to have it here too for discussions here.

moul commented 7 months ago

Okay, I have closed issue #51 to maintain the TODO in the README.

I propose that we use this meta issue for other matters like graphical visualization, but I recommend having a single source of truth, which is the README.

Would you like to keep the current unsorted flat list, or should I create a PR to suggest this tree structure with checkboxes in the README instead?