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Textures for floor surfaces #54

Closed atomrab closed 6 years ago

atomrab commented 8 years ago

The current texture for the ground is perfect for the street, and acceptable for the internal courtyards, but we should really differentiate the interior floors from the pebble surface for the ground (or from the plaster surface for the walls, in the case of the upper floors).

Ground-floor interior floors should have a beaten-earth texture (see #23 -- does the texture I uploaded work for this?). First-floor interior floors (over rooms 36 and 38) should have wood floors -- you can use the same board texture you used for the stairs and balcony. Also, the ceilings of rooms 36 and 38 should also have wood-board textures (and technically these should be supported by cross-beams, but at this point that's low priority). They would almost certainly not have been plastered.

Let me know, too, if you think it's possible to add stone pavement textures to the rooms I mentioned in #46.

atomrab commented 7 years ago

Floors of 33, 35, 36, and 38 look good in the May 7th model. We still need textures for rooms 29 and 30, wood floors for the upper floors over 36 and 38, and stone pavings for 25, 28, and 34.

atomrab commented 7 years ago

Wood floors almost complete -- just need ceiling of room 36 now (room 38 and upper floor both done, room above 36 done).

atomrab commented 7 years ago

Ceiling of room 36 is fine; stone paving in room 25 is fine. The floor surface in 34 is ok in a pinch, although I was hoping it'd be possible to see the line of the drain. The current version doesn't show it:


The texture for room 28 is right, but it's in the wrong part of the floor (in what will later be room 32). The highlighted area shows where it should be:


atomrab commented 7 years ago

See #46 for photos of the original appearance of these floor surfaces.

atomrab commented 7 years ago

The drain in 34 is now perfect! And 28 is almost there -- in fact, it's acceptable as is for a general sense of the location of the paving, but if we want to be precise about it, that paving needs to be rotated in place counter-clockwise 90 degrees (so that the large, jagged stone now on the right as you face the basin is in front of you instead). If this makes additional trouble for texturing, however, don't worry about it.

atomrab commented 7 years ago

We are very very very close. I should have been more specific about the room 28 texture, though: now it's been rotated 90 degrees clockwise, rather than counter-clockwise, so it needs one more 180 degree rotation to be right. The big jagged rock that's now closest to the door of room 35 should be closest to the basin and the shed roof instead:


Sorry, I should have been clearer about that -- I see that I said "the jagged stone should be in front of you", and that was confusingly worded.

atomrab commented 6 years ago

We still need that last 180-degree rotation of the texture (see picture above) -- and then that's it!

atomrab commented 6 years ago

This one is driving me crazy, but it's still not quite there -- when I flipped it in the picture, I mirror-imaged it. The point of that big jagged rock points in the other direction, to the street, so this needs to be flipped horizontally now. The rock is also to the east of the basin, so if it's possible to drag the whole texture to the east (toward room 33), that would be better. There's still a picture of this in the original floor textures issue thread, #46 -- we're trying to match that, as much as possible.

atomrab commented 6 years ago
